I Am A Notorious Hidden Boss In The Alternate World

Chapter 185 - Life Aura


The police car came to a sudden stop before Estelle Xiao\'s gaze froze at the sight of the damage on the hood. 

The higher-ups in the force will definitely send her an invoice to pay for the damage. Why was she so unlucky? 

"Dammit, who the hell is throwing rocks?" Estelle Xiao stuck her head out the window to take a look above her. 


Wuxin exclaimed as she hurled the rocks off the rooftop with no specific target in mind, thinking it was the same for the boss. 

"Boss, this is pretty fun!" Wuxin said before asking with concern, "But is it okay to throw rocks down like this? Won\'t people get hurt?"

"It\'s fine, it\'s fine. There are only bad people below, so it is okay even if they get hurt," Albion casually said.


Another victim\'s foot was smashed by Albion\'s hypersonic rock-throwing. 

It was the foot of another thug from the Bloodmoon Gang—And alas, the Albion\'s kill was stolen by another hunter again.

Shortly after, that hunter\'s foot was smashed too.


<+7 proficiency in throwing>

<Throwing proficiency threshold reached; 102/100>

<[Basic-level Throwing] skill achieved>

\'What\'s the difference between obtaining the skill and not obtaining the skill, Goldfinger?\' Albion asked curiously. 

[The only real difference is the increase in proficiency to reach the threshold and gain recognition of being at that certain skill level. It is not like the host will suddenly become better by obtaining the skill.] 

Goldfinger explained. 

\'In other words, it\'s all about the proficiency, huh? The [Basic-level Throwing] name itself is just a mere title as proof of the system\'s recognition of my skill reaching a certain level,\' Albion mused. 

Nevertheless, he had been quite precise with his aiming now, considering he had been able to smash people\'s feet consecutively. 

\'It\'s time to wrack up some kills and complete the [Special Condition],\' Albion decided. 

He definitely does not want to suffer the penalty of contract breach.




Suddenly, he was spammed with notifications consecutively.

<You have earned the title; Hidden Griefer>

<You have earned the title; Unknown Menance>

<You have earned the title; Foot Smasher>


[Hidden Griefer]: 

Although none are aware of your identity, words of your misdeeds have spread amongst the top families desperately fighting enemies in their poisoned states. 

There is a 50% chance that people will talk badly about you at the mention of your deeds.

[Unknown Menace]:

Although none are aware of your identity, words of your misdeeds have spread amongst the Bloodmoon Gang\'s ranks. 

There is a 50% chance that people will talk badly about you at the mention of your deeds.

[Foot Smasher]:

Words of a foot-loving fiend who likes to smash people\'s feet have spread between the Bloodmoon Gang and various top families of Silvercove city, respectively earning you the title in light of their recognition.

There is a 20% chance that people are more likely to protect their feet during a fight if they learn of your presence.



Albion was surprised. 

He wondered how he had not been found out yet. Was it because he threw the rocks so fast that they cannot even catch a glimpse of where it came from? 

In truth, the Bloodmoon Gang and top families have both noticed him.

However, seeing Wuxin hurling such weak tosses, they assumed it was a diversion and that the real sniper came from elsewhere.

As such, while suspected Albion, they were not sure.

\'Whatever works, I guess?\' Albion shrugged. 

Whether they found out or not does not matter to him.

At this point, the rooftops of the lower buildings were already devoid of people as they moved their battles inside.

Nevertheless, Albion casually picked up another sharp piece of rock and hurled it with lightning speed. 


The rock quickly shot through the rooftop and penetrated a thug\'s head in the floor directly below it!

The thug immediately dropped dead and startled everyone on the top floor. 

"What! How are we still getting sniped?!" A thug exclaimed in shock.


<+10 proficiency in throwing>

<[Special Condition]\'s progress updated>

<[Special Condition]: 1/10 humans killed>

\'10 proficiency points for headshots? Not bad,\' Albion silently thought before moving onto his next target. 



Wasting no time, Albion quickly completed his objective with another 9 headshots on the thugs.


<[Special Condition]: 10/10 humans killed>

<[Special Condition] has been fulfilled>

<The bindings of the [Special Contract] has been lifted>

"Master, is there a secret to your strength? How did you train your Life Aura to become so strong?" Fenrira asked with a rarely-seen humble and respectful attitude. 

A trace of reverence could even be seen in her eyes.

"Life Aura, huh? Is that what your wolf-people call it?" Albion mused before saying, "Here, we call it Spiritual Energy. With the right technique and resources, any level of strength can be achieved—given time and dedication."

"Nevertheless, I am curious about one thing, though," Albion suddenly added while giving Fenriri and Fenrira\'s appearances a glance before asking, "Supposedly, your world is a freezing place. How can you have so little fur to keep yourself warm—?"

Not that he was complaining, though. Their current appearances were perfect—just the way he liked them to be. 

"If you are asking why our bodies aren\'t covered in fur, Master, then our people are indeed like that. However, my little sister and I are different due to being blessed by our ancestor\'s powerful bloodline and possessing a certain immunity to the cold," Fenrira explained.

"I see…" Albion muttered thoughtfully. 

It appeared that not all the wolf-people looked like the two sisters, which in turn, slightly dampened his anticipation towards meeting the rest of the wolf-people. 

For him to meet the two wolf-girls with ideal appearance, it could be said that he had struck the jackpot right off the bat. 

Was his protagonist\'s luck finally being unveiled?

But then again, the Abestel family might not have smuggled them if they were just any ordinary wolf-people…

"Tell me more about your Iceborn Wolf Tribe, Fenrira. How did you end up getting captured by the Abestel family?" 

Albion casually asked.

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