I Am A Notorious Hidden Boss In The Alternate World

Chapter 204 - Submit Or Die

While Albion was cringing over his own actions inwardly, he succeeded in awing the two wolf-girls, nonetheless.

"I\'m not sure what Master means, but Master seems very cool!" Fenriri stated. 

"Uh-huh…" Albion uttered ruefully before he suddenly paused and said, "You don\'t know what I mean, huh? Seems like I need to have you two undertake cultural lessons and introduce you two to anime."

At the same time, the wolf-men gathered around their dead lord and mourned with anguish for some time.

"My Lord, your death was too abrupt and untimely!"

"We swear to avenge to you, Lord Bahrain!"

Shortly after, the wolf-men directed their hatred at the culprit before one of them snapped, "Do you have any idea what you have done, hairless monkey?!" 

"Lord Bahrain was a person destined for greatness!" Another wolf-man shouted. 

"Like you said, was." Albion gazed at them and grinned before he said nonchalantly, "He is dead now. What are you going to do about it?"

"You\'ve killed the first son of Lord Bahram! If Lord Bahram finds out, he will slaughter everyone involved with his son\'s death! Even we will not be spared!"

"Before that happens, we will take your head and avenge Lord Bahrain to appease Lord Bahram\'s anger!" a wolf-man stated before barking, "Kill him!"


The wolf-men quickly charged forward without wasting further words on the human before them. Words won\'t solve anything. Only the person\'s head could offer them a chance at life—or so they thought. 

Nevertheless, Fenriri and Fenrira retreated behind Albion as he gazed at them indifferently before spitting, "Know your place!"


Albion\'s words were filled with power and authority as if it was the mandate of heaven. 

The wolf-men immediately felt pressured by his words as if weights were placed on their shoulders while the weaker wolf-people within 30 meters of Albion immediately prostrated on their knees. 

The sight immediately shocked the onlookers, humans and wolf-people alike.

"Master, the Iceborn Wolf Tribe generally revers the strong like Fenrir, our ancestor. If you show them your sky-towering aura, they will immediately surrender to you," Fenrira stated. 

No matter what, the wolf-people were still her tribesmen. She would hate to see hundreds of them murdered in cold blood for offending the wrong person. 

Nevertheless, Albion shook his head and casually said, "There\'s no need for that. I\'ve shown them enough." 

As he said, the wolf-people was greatly shaken. 

"What kind of power is this? Just mere words could compel us to prostrate on the ground…!" 

"Even the Iceborn Wolf Tribe\'s ancestor, Fenrir, could only strike awe into people\'s hearts with his words! These must be the words of a god…!"

Even after the pressure was lifted, the wolf-people did not dare to get up and remained prostrated on the ground. 

More wolf-people standing outside of the effective range joined them in prostrating to the unknown god. 

On the other hand, the group of wolf-men continued to stand. 

"What are you all doing?! Are you all abandoning your belief in the Wolf God to worship a hairless monkey?! This is just another one of their strange abilities!" a wolf-man roared. 

"Even if it is a strange ability, can you contend it?" Can you resist it?" Albion questioned casually. 


Albion\'s mental power concentrated on the wolf-man and caused the person to drop on his knees and smash his head into the ground abruptly before the icy ground cracked.

"If you can\'t, then stay down," Albion stated cooly. 

Meanwhile, the high-level hunters locked in cages became overjoyed to see such a powerful human putting the arrogant wolf-people in their places. 

"It\'s a human! Great! We\'re saved!"

"Yeah! This must be the person sent from the Hunter Association Headquarters to save us!"

"Still, such a strong telekinetic ability is unheard of! The strongest telekinesis-user I know was only labeled a C-rank ability. However, this person\'s kinesis must be A-rank at least!"

The captured hunters chatted in anticipation of the moment they get released.

However, Albion only swept them a passing glance before he continued to speak wolf-people in their native tongue, "You\'ve set foot on a land that does belong to you and claimed it as your own."

"We apologize for our foolish actions, my lord! We did not know this land belongs to you—" a wolf-person apologized. 

However, Albion was not finished speaking and shook his head before saying, "I am not blaming you, but you can blame your own luck for meeting me. Like you, since I have set foot on this land, it belongs to me now."

"Therefore, I give you all two choices, submit or die."

After Albion finished stating, Fenriri and Fenrira wore complicated expressions. 

From another\'s perspective, it did seem like they were betraying their tribe by surrendering it to a human. But they knew that this was the only choice for survival. 

In the face of overwhelming power, there was really only one choice to make to live.

"We are willing to submit!"

The wolf-people made their choice.

Even the group of wolf-men began to lower themselves and demonstrate their act of submission one by one with a kneel.

"Are you all really submitting? We haven\'t even fought yet. This person might not be as strong as he appears and only using a scare tactic to make us surrender," a wolf-man stated with unwillingness.

"True, but you haven\'t seemed to notice that this person is speaking our native tongue. Do you think our language is easy to learn? Only a god can be this omniscient."


"No buts. Stop being stubborn," the surrendered wolf-man shook his head and asked, "Do you think Lord Bahram will spare us for failing to protect the Young Lord? He won\'t because we can\'t offer the culprit\'s head for amnesty."

"Right. Since we can\'t beat them, join them," another surrendered wolf-men chimed. 

The last wolf-men eventually relented and lowered himself in submission.

Seeing there was no further opposition, Albion nodded and turned to the wolf-girls before stating, "I leave you to take charge of matters here."

"What do you want us to do, Master?" Fenrira asked. 

"It\'s not what I want you to do, but what YOU want to do," Albion shook his head and said, "Didn\'t you want to understand the situation and stop the rebellion?" 

"Go extract information from them.. The leader is dead, but the close confidantes should know a thing or two."

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