A New World, an immersive game experience

Chapter 102: Erik: A normal day

Chapter 102: Erik: A normal day

Having just finished his healing task for the day, Erik headed to the temple of life. He had made a point of it to visit Akarui often. Bringing her a nice treat each time, today\'s was the grilled meat of a Lykos.

Like in Phallos this monster was also a wolf variant. But it was a far higher grade of wolf monster. Erik had heard that a group of Tier 4 soldiers had fought against one Tier 2 Lykos, yet they had almost lost. According to the soldier Erik had gotten the meat from this one was a Beta added on to its species being of bloodline grade.

Erik had gotten the meat from a soldier whose life he had saved. While he could only use Tier 1 which was far weaker than what many of the other healers could do, Erik had a bit of knowledge in medicine. He did not have a great amount, but he had once researched field dressing for a story he had planned to write.

As such he knew that the first task was to stabilize the patient, ensuring that he was not losing any more blood. After that he needed to help the patient have enough energy to stay alive. This knowledge allowed him to use a series of Tier 1 healing and rejuvenation spells to bring the patient around.

It had taken Erik over 5 minutes to stabilize the soldier, for which he had been criticized. The other healers said that he had wasted too much time and mana on one person. Yet Erik had found that none of the others had been on the verge of dying, thus he felt he was in the right.

Erik did not like the attitude of the other healers, they treated their task as a great burden. While they had indeed been forced to help, Erik felt it made more sense. They were originally from the city and had family here.

He could not understand why they did not place more importance on saving as many as they could, instead of only helping as many as possible. Saying that those lost were doomed even before they made it to the medical bay. This made them look good on paper since they never lost a patient. Which was also what made Erik the most disheartened.

After everything had calmed down later the day, Erik had been resting when the soldier he had saved woke up. The soldier had offered to share some of his spoils with him, inviting Erik to join him for dinner. Which was where the treat for Akarui came from.

"Akarui, I brought you something very special," Erik said as soon as he entered the temple of life\'s garden. He was currently in a green red magic styled robe that all the healers wore. While it resembled magical robes worn by others, his had no magical effect. It was simply given to him as a way to identify him on the field.

Erik was also not lying in saying the meat was special. Even with its preparation having been average at best the meat still gave a good boost to someone. At least this was what Erik read from the system after having inspected the meat.

He had not planned to do it but did it subconsciously after his first bite. According to Inspect, the meat would give a person a temporary boost in strength for a few days after consumption. While permanently helping those who were weak due to injury or sickness.

"Really?" Akarui asked, rushing towards Erik and giving him a big hug. Well her hug was small and over his legs, but Erik could feel her happiness and energy from it.

Patting her lightly, Erik took the meat out of his inventory and presented it to Akarui. "Look this the meat of a Lykos\'s. They say that if you eat it you will grow big and strong."

"Like you?"

Laughing Erik played along. Helping Akarui make some Kitrino flower tea to enjoy with it. While waiting for her to finish and enjoying the tea Erik wondered why it was not sold commercially. The tea tasted great and gave a person a little energy back. According to the system, it was only 2 stamina, but it felt great. Even if it was so little.

After their tea party Erik went around and cast a few growth spells on the flowers which were struggling. He also cast a rejuvenation spell on the Lupi tree, it was looking worse with each visit. Most of its leaves were dried out and its branches were cracking up.

Looking at it Erik felt great sorrow. He was sure that he would lose consciousness if he touched the tree, so great was the feeling he felt from a simple glance.

"I wish I could do more for it." Erik sighed, wishing he knew how to care for the tree better. It would soon die at the rate it was deteriorating.

"But, you have done so much Faust." A warm female voice interrupted the two who were enjoying themselves in the garden.

"Miss Virgil, why are you here?" Erik asked in surprise. While he did not like the lady, he knew she was strong and well-liked by most.

She was in fact mostly a fine lady. She just had a strong thing for strange races. Erik\'s was one of the strangest in the city. He had been trying to avoid her as much as possible.

"Come now, you can simply call me Virgil, or Viry..." She teased, playing with her black hair and making sure to send Erik a wink.

"I prefer to keep our relationship professional. I mean, you are my teacher\'s wife." Erik\'s teacher was a Tier 3 priest who knew a few nature spells too. He was not Erik\'s mentor, but simply a teacher assigned to help Erik learn how to treat people.

Naturally, Erik\'s teacher also felt that spending a lot of time on one person was a waste, which Erik did not much like. But Erik could not choose his teacher as he was simply assigned to his teacher.

"Come now, he knows that I like you. He even said it would be fine."

"Then why did he never tell me?" Erik questioned, wanting to simply leave. But he did not want to leave Akarui alone with her. He was afraid that she might influence Akarui in a bad way.

Sighing, Virgil looked at Erik, "Someday you will give in."

"I\'d rather not."

After failing with the straightforward approach she tried to be gentler, but Erik kept giving her the cold shoulder. Especially when she tried to bring Akarui into the conversation.

"Have it your way." She sighed in defeat, finally leaving. As she did she made sure to give Erik an enticing last glance.

"Why do you not like lady Virgil?" Akarui asked as soon as Virgil was out of sight.

"It is hard to explain." Erik sighed, hoping that Akarui would understand. He did not want to ruin her innocence. Even with everything she had lived through, she was still a sweet little girl. She was the biggest reason why he had given in to helping the city.

He had to grow stronger if he wished to take her with him when the city fell. Erik had no hope that that would not happen. He was just wondering when it would.

"I have to go now," Erik said after having spent some more time with Akarui. They had made some tea from the Kitrino flower and chatted about flowers for almost half an hour. By now Erik knew all the plants in the garden but he had pretended to forget some, asking Akarui what they were again.

"Really?" Akarui asked sadly, grabbing onto Erik\'s robe to keep him here for a bit longer.

"Akaru... I have to get back to work."

"Faust..." Akarui paused, struggling to say what she wanted. "Can I stay with you?" She looked up at Erik with big puppy dog eyes.

"Sorry Akarui, I do not have a place of my own. And you have worked here, right? And you enjoy caring for the garden." Erik struggled with saying no, she was simply too cute.

"But, I can do that even if I don\'t stay here." She replied balling her little fists in an attempt to work up her courage.

"Maybe later, let me get settled first. You know how crazy it is with all the fighting outside the walls, right?"

Akarui stayed quiet, only nodding after a few seconds passed.

"Give me a hug." Erik said, pulling her into one. "I will try to visit tomorrow again."

Erik received a small nod as a reply.

It is always so hard to say goodbye. She still struggles with the fact that I am on the battlefield. Erik sighed as he left, feeling saddened that Akarui was sad. He knew that she did not understand what it meant to be a Chosen, she felt she would lose him as she did her parents.

After a long time Erik finally managed to gather his thoughts,Back to work, I need to master that Tier 2 spell they gave me. It might allow me to get more credit in the army. Erik thought, knowing that it would definitely give him much more say in how the medical bay was run.

At the medical bay Erik was stationed there was only one Tier 5 healer, ten Tier 4\'s, thirty Tier 3 and a hundred Tier 2\'s. While there was over a thousand Tier 1\'s.

Reaching Tier 2 will raise his status by a large amount and ensure that what he said was actually taken seriously. Due to magic the healers often did not want to practice common techniques like bandaging or sutures.

Saying that it took too long, while in fact it only took a few minutes longer at most. While saving a large amount of mana, especially if the wound was really bad.

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