A New World, an immersive game experience

Chapter 132: Chase (3)

Chapter 132: Chase (3)

\'Very few remember the last monster invasion. I and Agamemas are some of those few, who had lived through it. It was also why we decided to not act in this one. But a devil invading us has stopped our na?ve thinking.\'

Eldrian heard Zamia\'s voice explain to him as he was transported into... A strange land.

Eldrian had no idea what was going on, he had simply let Zamia do what she wanted. Allowing her to show him her memories, bringing him to this battlefield. Where millions of creatures; be they humans, humanoids, beasts or monsters were fighting.

\'This is the chaos lands, where one of the last battles on this side of the continent was held.\' The voice informed Eldrian as the scene before him moved across the land. Most of the land was barren, similar to the area they were currently in. But every now and then there would be a part of green in the dark brown and black lands.

\'This was where we lost so many of our friends and family,\' Zamia\'s voice kept explaining as the sight before Eldrian shifted to a different scene. From the massive armies fighting to simply a few struggling to survive in an intense battle.

\'Back then we were not as strong. We were only normal soldiers. Yes, this is what a monster invasion requires to be survived.\' Zamia added the last part after feeling Eldrian\'s surprise.

He could not do much other than following along with what she was showing him, but Eldrian was certain that she was a Tier 6 magic-user in these memories. Something simply told him of this.

\'You do not understand how bad things become, you do not understand how weak you are.\' Zamia\'s voice said as she showed him memories of pillage and rape. Where entire cities were overrun much like in the trailer, but in just a few seconds he had seen thousands of different places in such a state.

\'This is how things are, back then everyone was ready and prepared for the invasion. Such an invasion happened often, having a similar time gap between them. But now I feel many had forgotten, too much time has passed. Deeming it as a myth or the age of legends.\'

\'No, it is far too real.\' This time Eldrian saw a scene where a group of Alicorns, Dwarves and Elves were fighting against things that highly resemble humans.Dark red skin, almost black. Horns growing from their head and a tail from their backs.

\'Devils, the true enemies.\' Zamia said as the scene showed an intense fight. The fighting was so great that the entire area was leveled and then cratered, before being leveled again. Many from both sides dying, in either a rain of weapons or magic.

\'This is what you have to be able to do. This fight was between Tier 8\'s. I was the weakest at this time, at the limit before Tier 7. While such fights were rare, they were far more common than you would think.\'

Eldrian was then shown more such scenes, \'I participated in over 20 such battles. Losing many close friends and even family.\'

Eldrian felt the sadness Zamia was feeling from recalling this, \'This is why we wanted to isolate ourselves, yet things never go as planned.\'

Eldrian understood what she was trying to tell him through this. Partly being that he was really weak, too weak to even try making a difference. The other was that war was cruel and uncaring.

The scene then shifted to a more peaceful one, where Zamia took the time to inform Eldrian a bit more about the factors surrounding the invasion.

\'The invasion this time is still in its infancy, demons generally only joined the invasion after a year. Devils would join even later. According to what you told me this invasion is a few months from reaching the year mark.\'

\'The hard times are still to come.\'

Eldrian swallowed hard as he heard this. They, the NPCs, had failed in keeping their kingdoms against what seems to be just a bunch of ragtag armies. What Zamia had shown him informed him that he truly had still been underestimating things.

\'I hope you Chosen will be able to actually make a difference, because we have never won against the invasion. No, it has always stopped before we were annihilated.\'

Eldrian was shown a high up scene, flying extremely fast over the lands. Time sped up to show him the entire scene. He could see cities, which were at least 50 kilometers apart, darting past them every few seconds.All of them burned and destroyed.

\'Normally only empires last, or sacred places like here.\' The scene changed to a small fountain on the far side of the glade.

\'I do hope you will be able to make a difference, which is why I want to help you. You are on the wrong path. You are using human magic, nor will our magic work for you. You have to stop and find your own magic. The elven magic.\'

\'Learn how to truly use magic, let it flow through you. Once you manage this, you will truly find your strength.\'


"Evapius!" Andreas shouted as he appeared behind him from a shadow.

"Oh, Andreas you\'re sa-" Evapius swallowed hard and jumped back, instantly casting some quick spells to try and gain distance.

"Don\'t be like that," Andreas joked, easily dodging the spells aimed at him. "Don\'t you want to help me escape this wretched place? These creatures taste terrible."

"But you... Oh I am going to enjoy this." Andreas licked his lips with great pleasure as he sensed that Agamemas was leaving him alone. He knew that Agamemas was doing this for a reason, but he did not care.

He was hungry and a tasty meal had just appeared.


Just as I thought, he can\'t help himself. This should give us enough time to get everyone else to safety. Agamemas thought as he watched Evapius being tortured, grateful that the useless human could actually do something good for them.

He had made sure to steer Andreas away from any other of his kin. Leading him to the human he had sensed during the chase. It did not bother him one bit that the human was being tortured, it was far too common in times of war.

\'My side is done evacuating.\' Bryrys said as he joined Agamemas in the air.

\'Mine too,\' Daechus added, joining the two above. Both of them were typical Alicorns, pure white feathers and coat. In the air, the three of them made quite a spectacle.

\'Good, we can disrupt his feeding now.\' Agamemas replied, sending them his plan. He did not care to let the devil enjoy himself as long as it led to them gaining an advantage. Now that they had, there was no reason to let him continue.

This plan was to isolate Andreas in a small part of the forest. Even ifBryrys and Daechus were able to teleport a few times, they had nowhere close to as much mana as Agamemas.

And even if they could keep chasing Andreas it would not lead anywhere unless they could force him to starve himself. Something which Agamemas was not sure he would be able to do. The bloodlines Andreas had were simply too good at escaping and surviving.

Hence he planned to rather trap Andreas in a limited space. Somewhere which would make his shadow teleportation useless.

Diving down from the sky Agamemas sent a blade of wind to kill the human. Depriving Andreas of finishing his meal.

At the same time, the other two went to separate sides and started setting the forest ablaze. Ensuring that there were no shadows Andreas could use to escape. Doing this was painful for them but not nearly as much as losing their kin.

Cursing Andreas dodged from the attack Agamemas had sent. Losing his meal really irritated him, even so he immediately tried to run. Knowing he had no chance of winning a fight.

As he turned and dived into the shadows he found that he had been cut off, only being able to go a few hundred meters. Something which Agamemas could easily travel in seconds without teleporting.

Andreas also sensed the other two waiting at the border where they had set the trees ablaze. Waiting for him to try and run.

"You would burn your own home?" Andreas asked as he looked longingly at Evapius who had died at the hands of the other, or rather hooves. Ruining his meal.

"To kill you." Agamemas replied as he sent another blade of wind at Andreas, who dodged the blade by using the shadows.

Reemerging he felt great pain inside his stomach, looking down he saw a pure white feather burning his flesh.

Dammit, he is too strong.

Andreas had never thought he would be able to best Agamemas, he had simply hoped he would be able to waste enough time. If he could reach his full strength, then he might just be able to escape through the barrier.

Sensing a new incoming danger Andreas turned into a black flame again, avoiding the white spikes of light. But these somehow penetrated through his special ability, causing him to fall out of his black flame.

Gasping for air Andreas looked at Agamemas in fear,"Fucking hell, how did you do that!" Andreas shouted, feeling cheated. This was one of the strongest bloodline abilities in the entire devil race. Yet it seemed to be useless now.

"Strenght" Agamemas replied as he sent a mass of bullets made out of water at Andreas.

Fuck! Does he actually know about that?

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