A New World, an immersive game experience

Chapter 179: Breakthrough

Chapter 179: Breakthrough

"Which is? And can\'t you just use telepathy?"Eldrian asked, wondering why she would even bother with using a language. His question caused Itireae to laugh merrily, covering her mouth with her hand to try and not show such an ignoble side to a stranger. Certainly, she would not care if Eldrian was not a High Elf, seeing as he was she wanted to at least seem somewhat cultured.

"Heavens no. That is an impossibly hard spell to use. It takes far too much effort to create a connection. Only the emperor has learned it. And-"

"Emperor? Wait, why do you say that. Isn\'t it an easy thing to do?"Eldrian let slip the first part, interrupting Itireae as she wanted to answer the first question. Eldriancould distinctly remember that Cephaphyr was Tier 3, yet he was able to create and keep a connection without any difficulty.

"I have no idea where you were misled. It is certainly not an easy thing to do."

Is it a racial trait of Alicorns? Eldrian wondered, deciding to drop this for now. He still had not gotten an answer to his question.

"Who are you really?" Eldrian tried his best to make it clear in his voice that he was asking more than just a name. Somehow he knew that it was possible to deliver this clearly through tone alone, especially with the language they were talking.

"I am Itireae, the supreme commander of the Ahevell empire. I have come to see what it is like on the front lines."Itireae spoke with dignity and pride, yet Eldrian found that her tone that she was nervous and unsure what her words meant.

He did not bring this up, focusing instead on the matter at hand, "Then why are you following me?"

"Because you are the only one I can talk to, and... I find you interesting. How did you send out that distress signal? It is something even I can not do."

"What, and what?"Eldrian did not manage to follow along with her. He had no idea what the latter was about and the first part gave him the creeps.Why does she find me interesting?He worried that he would end up like Erik with an unwanted pursuer.

Would that be so bad?Eldrian quickly asked himself, finding himself unable to say that it would be. She was certainly a beauty, he would probably never be able to do better. Something just turned him off from being pursued. It was not that he felt he needed to pursue, well maybe it was. Or maybe it was that he did not wish for something right now, his feelings for Vivian influencing him subconsciously.

"I would like to know why you care for the humans so much. That you would even willingly die for them. It is not normal."

"Like hell it isn\'t! It is one of the most normal things in the world!" Eldrian countered quickly. Her words continuing to confuse him. This was to be expected since it was his first time meeting one of the higher races/species. Rather it was his second time, but the Alicorns he had met during an emergency. Causing many things to be avoided.

This was the first time he was fully confronted with the arrogance of a higher race. Their ingrained belief that they are better than others. This certainly was not without reason, they lived hundreds to thousands of years longer, were generally stronger from birth, and had a more advanced civilization.

Their arrogance was generally not in a toxic way, they did not belittle those from lower races. Nonetheless, they did not treat them as worth their time. In a summary, they were generally neutral to lower races. They would not go out of their way to help nor hurt those from lower races.Leaving them be as long as those below them did not bother them.

In some cases, they might offer help, but this was rare. They generally did not see it as a worthwhile cause, since the person would still die in a few decades from age.

"Is that really what you feel? Why?"Itireae asked, her tone filled with true curiosity. This caused Eldrian to become exasperated and just wanting to lose her.

Starting to walk again, he hoped she would not follow him. She did. Soon he started running, even going so far as to use Accelerate on himself. Still, she followed with ease, her hair not even raising from the wind as she stayed behind him.

At this moment Eldrian realized what her introduction actually meant. Stopping in shock, he turned and looked at her again. This time dumbfounded.

Supreme commander? Really? How, and what is that?

Eldrian knew that a commander was at Old Sword\'s level, a high commander above Old Sword. Through deduction, he felt that a supreme commander would be above that.

Tier 9? Are you kidding me! She is Tier 9!? No wonder the soldiers all fear her so much. Rumors must have spread after the commander of this tent confirmed her strength. No wonder they did not try to force communication with her. She could wipe this entire division!

Eldrian stopped and stared at her. Unable to think of her as such a mighty figure. She looked like a frail and delicate woman. Nothing of her appearance would lead one to think that she excelled in combat.

Something even more absurd than her appearance was that she was following him. This did not fit with his image of such strong people at all. He could not understand how she could be so seemingly ignorant and innocent. Is this just a front?

Should I ask her to train me? Was the next thought to come into Eldrian\'s head. It quickly overpowered all the other thoughts and he truly considered it. Zamia had told him that not everyone could be a mentor. Certainly, she would still be able to give him tips, at the very least.

"Itireae, right."Eldrian turned and asked, unable to picture her as someone stronger than even the strongest person in Phallos. His mind simply could not allow these things to fit together, he felt strong people needed to look like Old Sword. Their body covered in scars telling of their struggle.

"Have you decided to let me follow you?"Itireae asked as she saw Eldrian looking at her.

Her question almost caused Eldrian to fall over. He could not understand how her mind worked. "No, rather I would like to ask if you could help me with my training. In exchange I will try to explain to you, but I would prefer if you do not follow me."

"That is fine. Let me check where you are at."

Eldrian waited for her to say more, instead, her face turned from one of curiosity to pure shock. "How can this be? How can you not even be Tier 1? How..."

"Well, that is why I am asking if you can help me."Eldrian tried to explain, but Itireae was so shocked that she did not hear his words.

Eldrian waited for her to recover. By this time the division had moved so much that they were almost at the back, they had always been close since all the carriages trail at the back. They started walking again to not be left behind. Eldrian not wishing to be in the barren lands alone, not again.

"How did you cast that distress call?"Itireae asked, unable to understand what was going on.

"I don\'t know. I just... I just wanted to save everyone..." Saying this saddened Eldrian as he had truly failed in that single task. Not even able to save all those close to him.

"I can try to help you, but your mana is strange. It is not like any I have seen before. Humans have a static, relatively un-pure mana. We elves generally have a pure type, while beasts generally have intense mana type."

"So?"Eldrian asked, unable to understand what she was going for.

"Yours seem to be pure and intense. This is strange, it is generally impossible to have both these categories so strong. Your mana is also still static, but that is normal. No... Rather it makes your mana\'s categories even stranger. It should still be similar to humans at this level. It being pure and intense while static is really strange."

"Oh, I can move it though, it is just not natural. At least not yet." Eldrian said, hoping it would help since he had no idea what she was talking about. Concentrating on his mana he willed it to move. Upon doing this he again found that it had become easier, so much so that he suddenly managed to move all his mana. This caused him to briefly be shocked before quickly doubling over as his mana started moving rapidly on its own.

He could not see what was going on, but he could feel it. Itireae was looking on in shock.

Eldrian\'s mana raged on as it moved through his entire body. Rapidly changing colors, the mana seemed to speed up with each pulse of his heart, through which his mana was being channeled. His mana also became purer and more intense with each speed up, as if it was in an infinite cycle of growth.

What on Gaia is going on?Itireae asked as she looked at Eldrian who was struggling to stay awake.

Normally reaching Tier 1 would cause no pain. It would fill one with energy and allow them to suddenly do things impossible before. This was true for all Tiers, she had never seen someone go through such a savage upgrade.

In normal cases, at Tier 1, an elf\'s mana would start to move automatically through their heart. This was critical as all the strengthening was focused here. With each pulse one\'s mana would become stronger and purer, hence why reaching this stage was the most important.

High Elves would not be able to reach Tier 2 without effort, but even staying in Tier 1, their strength would continue to grow with time. Naturally, the growth at higher Tiers are far faster and more beneficial. For elves not wishing to become strong, reaching Tier 1 is still a requirement. If they do not, their lifespan would be severely limited.

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