A New World, an immersive game experience

Chapter 532 - Death From Above

Chapter 532 - Death From Above

Ceph did not press more into the topic, somehow he understood that the time to talk about it was not right before they left to join in a war.

Ceph also wasn\'t thrilled about the idea. He wanted to stay and play with his friends.

However, he understood that this was necessary.

He understood that if they did not help then the kingdom would slowly lose more and more land and people. He might not understand fully what this meant, but he understood that it meant people would die!

Once he understood this he could no longer enjoy his time with his friends. Because he also understood that someday they might also be killed.

He had to stop that from ever happening!

The two set off from the park and naturally gave a few guards a massive fright as they passed over the walls. While rumors of the flying rider had spread, it was still a shock seeing them and especially seeing their speed.

Soaring through the air, Ceph kept a bubble around them like always to not just protect Eldrian from the wind and whatever else might be in the air, but to also block out the noise of wind as they quickly approached the speed of sound.

Eldrian hadn\'t been the only one who had practiced at Avgi. Agamemas had explained to Ceph in a simplistic way how air resistance worked and how he could use magic to use it to instead propel himself. It was more draining, but it made traveling far faster.

Sailing through the air, Eldrian looked at the quickly passing distant objects in deep through. \'At this speed, I doubt anyone at around my level will be able to react.\'

Eldrian smiled and decided to delay their journey as they started practicing a crazy idea he had just thought of.


"There\'s- something," Eldrian said and mentally pointed the direction to Ceph since naturally Cephaphyr wouldn\'t be able to see Eldrian\'s hand.

It was now three days later and the two had fully practiced their new ultimate attack.

Moving a bit lower and slowing down, they quickly confirmed that it was indeed an orc horde heading for a town still around ten kilometers away.

However, don\'t let the distance fool you. They were going to arrive in just ten minutes or less. The entire horde was sprinting at full speed for the town, which had also already sounded their alarms as the horde appeared on the horizon.

Unfortunately, the horde was too far to use Observe or anything similar. This happening more and more often had made Eldrian truly feel that he needed to make or learn some sort of telescope spell/ability.

\'Based on their speed and consistent speed, they should all have an agility stat of over 200. And to have such a high agility they have to be around tier 4 or above at least. I assume their level attributes will either go into strength or constitution according to what I know.\'

\'They number around twenty-five, and from the village\'s reaction this is a massive threat as the children are scrambling to run while the women are trying to form a second barrier behind the men and soldiers.\'

Of course, this village was not large -Gaia scale- only a thousand odd people. Yet, from a glance it was clear that these thousand would stand no chance by their response.

"Ceph, are you ready?" Eldrian asked, taking out Crystoi for the surprise attack. It was the only weapon he had that could survive their newfound ultimate attack.

Ceph nodded, and Eldrian clutched his mane. "Alright, like we practiced. Only mental connection from here on out."

\'Which one?\' Ceph asked and Eldrian quickly looked at the orcs again.

\'That one,\' Eldrian replied by sharing the image of the orc in shiny new armor. Probably taken from someone they had killed recently.

The entire horde was decently armored and geared, but even from so far this one stood out clearly. Thus, it must be the leader.

Mentally nodding, Ceph suddenly changed direction and swan dived directly for this orc. Their speed increased even more, and quickly they broke the sound barrier. As they approached, Eldrian readied himself.

\'Now!\' He shouted and threw Crystoi with all his might. Augmenting his strength for an extra 40 points as he did. Ceph instead stopped sustaining the barrier and instead covered the spear as it flew towards their target.

The wind knocked out Eldrian\'s breath and did a good 300 damage and a bunch more lasting damage, but it was worth it. The spear flew perfectly, Eldrian smiled through the blood filling his mouth as it pierced through the orc\'s armor with ease.

In fact, its speed was so great that pieces of the orc\'s armor flew in all directions like shrapnel as a shockwave spread from its location and a crater was formed.

Nearly all the orcs were injured and it completely halted their charge just two kilometers from the town.

Ceph at this point had altered direction to avoid crash landing and also replaced the barrier while Eldrian was busy healing himself and doing his best to not fall off.

As quickly as the two had appeared, they disappeared. With the only proof of their appearance the crater below the orc leader and the spear pinning him to its center.

[Orc Warlord killed: XP rewarded - 25.4M]

Seeing the XP reward, Eldrian smiled as he wiped off the blood from his mouth and nose. The blood in his ears he would clean after they confirmed that the horde was dealt with. For now, he will stay deaf.

Luckily, with \'Shield\'; the ability of his breastplate, his eyes were not destroyed from the shock. Just his ears and a bunch of lesser damage. Unfortunately, it had a 30-minute cooldown and he would not survive without it.

Regardless of the cost, he knew it was worth it. Twenty-five million experience was no small amount and meant that at the very least that orc had been at the top of Tier 5, possibly Tier 6. Eldrian also knew that Orc Warlords were even stronger than Goblin Kings from what Myropsis had shared.

\'Remember, I\'m deaf now. So I can\'t hear anything.\' Eldrian shared with Ceph as the two stopped after reaching a few hundred meters altitude.

As practiced, Ceph had made sure to stay in the direction of the sun, effectively making it impossible to see them from the ground.

AN: A big thank you to everyone who continues to read and support the story on WN.

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