A New World, an immersive game experience

Chapter 631 Making The Memorial Device (2) - Screen

His masterpiece on the piece of paper almost looked like an electrical circuit but it was still without proof.

He had tried to use his basic entry-level knowledge from self-study and the few classes he had visited at university. However, he did not think he could just copy the knowledge. After all, the magic device would not be an electronic device.

Yet, Eldrian felt confident that there should be similarities. There must be. However, he was finding it hard to find them and link those he could find. It was almost like grasping at stars, when he tried he simply obscured his own vision of an entire cluster.

"Ignoring the if, how are we going to project the image?" Myropsis asked, this was the part she was clueless on. They could steal from the communication devices how to record and play sounds, but those they had come across could only do so and are quite limited in usage.

She wasn\'t even sure that the visual recording would work. Eldrian wasn\'t either, he had a rough idea how cameras worked but not a single clue how it truly worked. For now, his idea was a camera, but he didn\'t really get how to copy its design to magic.

"I\'ve been thinking about that a lot," Eldrian mumbled, he had been constantly thinking of Miracle\'s holograms for the video part.

He had never questioned how the holograms worked before but now for the past two days, he had been questioning just that constantly.  He felt it was impossible for Miracle to control light itself, and while this was an option in ANW through magic, he was not sure if it would work.

He had asked Myropsis about it too and she wasn\'t certain either. So instead of throwing out random ideas, Eldrian decided to go meet Sofiera for some tips. She had luckily been far away from most of the fighting and was one of the people who had survived without much harm.

She hadn\'t stepped into the spotlight in the aftermath, however, Eldrian was keenly aware of all the help she had provided the city. Sometimes helping from the shadows was far more important than taking the spotlight. Being that person who everyone knew was willing to offer a helping hand.

"Projections through using light?" Sofiera mumbled after Eldrian explained their plan and what they have done so far.

"Yes, instead of physically forming the object like this." Eldrian summoned an icicle for show, "I want it to be formed with light, almost like this." Summoning a ball of light, Eldrian paused and focused, transforming it into the form of an icicle yet it was still only made up of light.

\'I have no idea how to change the color...\' Eldrian realized as he looked at the two icicles now floating in the air.

"However, this is too solid and I have no idea how to put this into an item."

Sofiera watched Eldrian\'s show for a moment before asking, "What about when you draw runes?"

Eldrian almost asked how this would help, but as the first word came out of his mouth his eyes flew open in understanding. Pausing, he quickly drew one of the runes he had used constantly in his design. A capacity rune.

Marveling at how it floated in midair as if etched into the air itself, Eldrian felt like this was something but not quite the right thing.

"Again, I do not think this will work... But..." Eldrian paused as he summoned a ball of water and slowly caused it to split thousands of times. Soon, a veil of water droplets was floating in the air above him.

While his headache had gotten better over the past two days, it was quickly returning just by doing this. However, he pushed on.

Playing with this idea and adding light to give a screen effect, Eldrian felt like he was truly making an interactive hologram. However, sadly, he had no idea how to implement this into the device.

Shockingly, there was even color. Eldrian had no idea why or how. He assumed it was part of the dynamic part of magic where what you envision could be brought to life without understanding the underlying principles that are at work. This normally required a clear picture, and luckily Eldrian had that part slightly mastered. He still struggled, but he was getting better at it.

"This is amazing!" Myropsis shouted as she swiped through the makeshift scene Eldrian was playing in the \'hologram\', a more apt name might be a water-screen. It was a simple view of distant landscapes, the view when he was flying through the air with Ceph.

"I\'m afraid I can\'t help you," Sofiera said after also taking a moment to enjoy the sights and the interactivity of the hologram. Of course, Eldrian was manipulating it constantly. And after a minute he fell down with an absolutely massive headache.


As the water splashed onto the ground, the two quickly turned to Eldrian and helped him into a seat. Sofiera quickly called someone to bring them some tea and as they were waiting she asked Eldrian why he wanted to do this. It was completely different from his normal focus.

"I thought it would help people grieve." He replied, and the simple honest reason astonished her.

"Have you thought of the implications of such a device if you succeed?"

"No." Eldrian admitted, his headache stopping his mind from automatically going through the motions. "But that doesn\'t matter right now. That is a problem for later."

Sofiera burst into uncontrollable laughter hearing his reply, nearly losing her balance. Something that would be quite consequential for a centaur standing next to a tiny girl that was Myropsis in her human form. Myropsis on the other hand spat out her tea as she fought tears of laughter. It took the two a few minutes to calm down.

"At least this time the dangers shouldn\'t be immediate or catastrophic," Sofiera said while trying to stop giggling. Recalling all the incidents concerning Eldrian, this was quite a relief.

"I do get that it could become a massive turning point but this is nothing compared to what I want to do next."

Hearing this, the two quickly quieted down and looked at him with just a hint of fear as they tried to imagine what he was getting at.

"What are you planning?"

"I\'ve been thinking of bringing our system to the world."

Silence settled into the room as they looked at Eldrian, stunned in disbelief. It took a full minute for Sofiera to recover enough to ask, "Is that even possible?"

"If we can get this first one to work, then I believe so," Eldrian replied.

"I thought you just wanted to make a memorial?" Myropsis mumbled.

"Yes, but if it works then it should open so many other doors. If we fail to make it interactive, it can still suffice as a memorial. But, if..." Eldrian closed his eyes as he imagined bringing something similar to the internet to the world.

However, that was not something he could tackle right now. First, he needed to confirm all the theories he and Myropsis had come up with. Needed to learn if he even had the right understanding.

AN: A big thanks to everyone who continues to support the story by simply reading on Webnovel, voting for the story, or sharing comments. It is all greatly appreciated.

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