A New World, an immersive game experience

Chapter 663 A Plan To Let Eldrian Explore Some Of The World

Such as with the magic abyss, it might even be possible to move mana from ANW to Earth. Eldrian had no idea how that would be possible, but considering he could visit ANW without the headset there was at least some truth to it already.

He finally understood what the AI had always meant and also started understanding what they wanted.

ANW was truly virtual. This did not mean that it was any less real. Its origin was just different, heck, Earth might be the same. Who knows? More importantly, Eldrian needed to know what would happen if the servers were taken down.

Would ANW cease to exist or would Earth\'s connection to it simply be severed?

While he now understood better how it existed, he was not sure if such an existence is dependent on what had created it. Or if after creation it would stabilize and become permanent.

He had always had this question, ever since Miracle had announced their willingness to scrap the game. Eldrian knew that this was a bluff of the company, he understood that now. But he was still worried, this was after all Miracle\'s card against the AI.

And he actually had a way to test this. But for now, he would not. It was not as important as continuing with his personal growth at this point in time. They were not at a point where he needed to know this answer right now.

Eldrian was incredibly satisfied having understood so many things with such clarity. He felt no rush to seek deeper answers at the moment.

He also felt no need to connect his understanding with known theories. After all, who was he going to talk to about them? Maybe Erik, but he wouldn\'t be the one bringing it up.

Connecting his understanding of ANW to dimensional storage, or rather the space of the [Memory Relive] was much better. It meant far more to him than anything else.

Gaining this enlightenment he did not seek to explore it further as he realized he had reached his current limit of understanding. His mind quickly returned to the task at hand, his emotions fully under control as he understood what was important at the moment.

\'I do know that the soul can transfer between all realms, even between Earth and ANW. I do not know what the soul is, only that it is an aspect of mana called lifeforce. I don\'t know what that means, but I do know that mana can enter the magic abyss. I am uncertain of the rules for other realms.\'

\'Regardless, forming a mana pool here should not be a problem. It might even be a boon. For now, I will stabilize a sun with seven planets. With time I will revisit the design.\'

The sun would naturally be the collection of raw mana, while the planets would be elements. For now, Eldrian felt that this should be a decent form for his new mana storage.

He would need time to explore what had happened with him and what had changed, especially with his bloodline. Thus, for now, he wanted a simple plan with as few variables as possible. Though he did not want to make it too simple either. He wanted to keep the elements.

Mind calm and certain of this, Eldrian guided all the mana he was absorbing from his body to this realm. The process required some testing to find a stable way of bringing mana to his mental room, his soul.

This was certainly different than holding the mana in his body, however, the difference was not as great as he had first assumed it would be. It was almost like he was sending it into a little pocket dimension, which his mind might just be. All minds, all consciousnesses might be little temporary realms.

As he was busy constructing the solar system out of the mana, Eldrian found his auras becoming agitated. With a smile he quickly allowed them to join. As expected the fire of wrath quickly surrounded the sun, increasing the heat of the star by thousands of times.

Yet, it did not alter the combination of mana. Instead, it helped Eldrian compress it further. Allowing him to add more mana without much of a struggle.

The ice mist of tranquility instead formed a ring around the entire system. Eldrian was stunned to see so much of the ice mist, in all his time with it it had always been eclipsed by wrath.

Tranquility however was not here, and when Eldrian tried to look for him he did not find him. While perplexed, Eldrian did not let his focus slip.

Time passed. Myropsis at first was worried that Eldrian did not wake and that he was still rapidly absorbing mana. As more time passed and nothing bad happened she slowly became able to calm down.

At this time Sofiera arrived and paused at the scene. The mana absorption was no longer so extreme that it affected the surrounding environment, but she could still clearly feel what was happening.

Looking at the line of carnage leading to them, and the split ground. She could easily guess what had happened. Seeing the centaur next to Eldrian and Myropsis she quickly turned stiff.

With a stiff bow, she greeted the duke. "Greetings Duke Vicar. I am Highmage Sofiera from Kynigo, I was sent to ensure the smooth progression of the mission and rushed over upon hearing of the complication."

Myropsis\'s father turned to look at her, "You can go ahead and clear the mine. There is just one ghoul and flaming reanimate of Tier 5."

Sofiera nodded and quickly moved past the little group, she failed to recognize the dwarf in rags. Considering that he stood by the Duke\'s side as an equal she did not think to question it.

When she returned the situation had not changed much. Only, Myropsis was having a heated argument with her father.

"Your mother misses you dearly. Won\'t you at least come home for a few days?" The duke pleaded but Myrsopsis seemed adamant about staying.

Looking at the elf, the duke understood that this was because of him. He wasn\'t sure what was going on between the two. "If you do not want to leave his side, then why not bring him with?"

Hearing this Myropsis turned beet red, she turned quickly to avoid her father from seeing her embarrassment. Only to show it to Sofiera.

"I think that is a brilliant idea," Sofiera said, causing Myropsis to despair. She felt betrayed. However, Sofiera\'s following words calmed her. "He had not seen much of the world, he has always been on the front lines."

"His view of the world is one of violence. This is naturally not a good thing, however, what makes it truly sad is that he has not seen the beauty of our world."

"Myropsis," Sofiera smiled, "Why not take Eldrian on a tour of the world. He has never been able to see the wonders of our world. Like a frog in well, he only knows of the walls around him. Walls filled with death and grief."

"He\'d never agree." Myropsis replied with certainty, "Not while the kingdom is in danger."

"Indeed, that is something he seems incapable of doing. However, make him understand that this would help him improve and that he would be able to still help the kingdom where he could. I am confident he would not say a word against going."


"I am certain that his visit to the dwarves had informed him that what he has managed to learn is not even a fraction of what is in the world."

"After all, Kynigo is a border military city of the kingdom. An outpost at best. Compared to the duke and capital cities it lacks many things. The knowledge we have here is also quite lacking. If you truly want to lure him promise him free reign of your family\'s library."

Myropsis\'s eyes widened as a smile took over. Indeed, such a thing would most certainly get Eldrian to accept it without a second thought. He would not consider it a tour but rather research and training.

Plus he would still be able to inform the others of the situation as he had been doing. There were literally no downsides to him doing this. At least this was what she felt. Failing to think of all Eldrian\'s friends here in the city and on the front lines.

Luckily, those on the front lines were players and if they were in danger then there was nothing he could do to help them. As for those in Kynigo, they were safe as long as the city was safe. He could also always come to visit with ease through the temples or even through his and Ceph\'s connections.

Myropsis also quickly thought of another attraction, turning to her dad, the duke\'s heart started to bleed even before she asked. Yet, he couldn\'t refuse her.

She asked that they were allowed to use the family forge and all the materials available in the family vault. The only silver lining for the duke was that Eldrian was still low in Tier, his expenditure should not be too great.

The duke was going to greatly regret agreeing so easily this day.

AN: A big thanks to everyone who continues to support the story by simply reading on Webnovel, voting for the story, or sharing comments. It is all greatly appreciated.

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