Witch's Daughter And The Devil's Son

Chapter 274: Wedding Kiss and Coronation

Chapter 274: Wedding Kiss and Coronation

3 chapters today


Seren swallowed the fear eating her insides and felt him slightly lift her veil at her chin up to the bottom part of her lips. The surprising thing was, her veil allowed him to touch it and even lift it. That proved he didn\'t have any plan to remove it completely, or else, that enchanted veil would have never allowed him to touch it.

When he moved up that veil, he used his rough callused hand to tenderly cup her face, partially covering the bottom part, thus other than him, no one could see Seren\'s mouth.

Pink lips that looked as delicate as flower petals in blossom.

His lips lightly brushed over hers, so gentle it felt like a dream, yet those lips of his stayed like that over hers for several seconds.

Cheers erupted from the crowd, yet none of those sounds could drown out the thunderous racing of Seren\'s heart. Seren\'s breath was stuck inside her chest at that featherlight kiss on her lips.

Their first real kiss.

Drayce had given her a peck on her lips before, but it was always over her veil. This time, there was no barrier. His lips had touched hers. She felt her heartbeats skipping, no, galloping beats—she would likely go crazy if it stayed like this for long.

Hot breath fanned across her moist lips as Drayce\'s lips slowly parted away from hers, and as he moved his hand away, he let the veil slide down back. Only then did the sounds within the hall reach Seren. There was a loud sound of clapping across the entire throne hall, and the elegant harp music was replaced with festive sounds of trumpets and drums.

The grinning Drayce looked at flushed skin on the visible parts of his wife\'s face with great satisfaction. Her earlobes had turned red as well, allowing Drayce to guess how shy she must be feeling at this moment. Her veil-covered cheeks must be blushing at the moment.

Drayce knew Seren didn\'t want to remove her veil. He had tried to persuade her many times ever since they had met, yet her reaction told him that her veil held a secret he was not privy to. Yet.

Although he did not understand why, there was no way he would ever force her to do what she never wanted to. If she wanted to keep wearing this veil and not show her face to anyone, then he would always respect her wish. Thus, he decided to compromise during this time.

Doing this was necessary to keep the reputation of his wife in front of everyone, and it would also help diminish the rumors spread by those who thought of her as an ugly creature just because she had scales and covered her face with a veil. Drayce showed them all that whatever they thought about his wife, to him, she was precious and he wholeheartedly loved her.

Once the loud clapping calmed down, the High Priest moved to the next part of the ceremony. The coronation of the new queen.

"People of the Kingdom of Megaris, those who revere and are governed by the descendants blessed by the mighty black dragon," the High Priest started as he raised his staff, causing everyone to go silent once again, "witness the descent of the new phoenix the black dragon had chosen for this land!"

At this point, Drayce stepped away from the altar, leaving Seren standing in front of the High Priest on the pedestal.

"Seren Ivanov, is Your Majesty willing to take the oath of the phoenix?"

Seren lowered her head. She had yet to regain her wits from that kiss she shared with Drayce, but she knew she had to try her best to speak without faltering at this moment. Lady Tyra had also explained this to her. As a new monarch of Megaris, she should not let herself tremble.

"Yes, I am willing."

The High Priest continued, "Will you to your power cause law and justice, in mercy, to be executed in all your judgments?

"I will."

"Will you solemnly promise and swear to govern the people of Megaris, including the ancient families and tribes within, from the territories past and future, according to their respective laws and customs?"

"I solemnly promise to do so."

Seren remembered what she knew about Megaris so far. As a militant kingdom, the Ivanov Royal Family favored strength and had a long history of war and conquest. As such, they incorporated many old kingdoms within their land, causing its massive size to have people with different cultures and ways of living. That was the reason why the high-ranking nobles of Megaris hold the titles of \'Territory Lords\', and most of them had independent ways of ruling their lands. The reason they bow down to Drayce was because of his strength and skill. As his partner, she too would carry certain expectations on her shoulders, as she wouldn\'t be a mere royal in name, but a queen with power and authority.

The High Priest then waved his staff over Seren\'s bowed head in a gesture of blessing her.

"Receive this crown and remember with majesty and power that though you may be clothed with royal authority, you must never forget that righteousness and kindness reign above you. You are the phoenix who will shed warmth to this land. May you represent life and good fortune for the years to come."

Orion came towards the altar carrying a delicate crown in a golden tray. Unlike the crown of the king which was a heavy crown made of gold and large gems, the crown of the queen was a slim and exquisite silver tiara filled with pale blue diamonds. Just as the dragon represented the king and the phoenix the queen, their crowns also symbolized balance. The golden crown was the sun, and the silver tiara was the moon.

Drayce looked at the crown which was once something his mother owned, and now, it was being passed to his wife along with the responsibilities that came with it. Though he never got the chance to see his mother wearing it, he was looking forward to seeing his wife wear it.

Orion halted his steps before Drayce, and the young king picked up the silver crown and gently placed it on Seren\'s head. It fitted perfectly as if to indicate its acceptance of the beautiful head which was now laid on as its new owner.

Drayce then offered his hand to Seren. She took it with a firm grasp, and the two of them faced the crowd, standing together as they listened to the voice of the High Priest.

"With this, we have become witnesses to the sacred union between Drayce Ivanov and Seren Ilven. With the powers vested in me as the High Priest of the Ancient Church, I now pronounce His Majesty King Drayce and Her Majesty Queen Seren the dragon and phoenix who would usher the next golden age of the mighty Kingdom of Megaris!"

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