Witch's Daughter And The Devil's Son

Chapter 499 Prepare Her To Be My Concubine

The guard recognized the oldest member of the royal family. He bowed, guessing their intentions. "Greetings, Lady Tyra. From what I know, the Second Prince is in the waiting room next to His Majesty\'s office. However, no one is not allowed to see him, as per His Majesty\'s order."

His last statement shocked the two women, and they hurried to enter the Grand Palace after confirming that Theron was staying in his study.

When they reached the King\'s study, Lady Tyra instructed, "Go to the waiting room and ask the Prince what happened. I will meet with His Majesty."

Lady Saira agreed to do so. The older woman asked to see the King, but the knights stationed in front of the door apologized. "Unfortunately, His Majesty had left."

"Do you know where he went?"

The knight shook his head.

With a defeated sigh, Lady Tyra then went to the waiting room next door and found Lady Saira arguing with the knights outside.

"—no one is allowed to go meet the Second Prince."

"I am his nanny. How can you keep the child locked alone? He must be scared."

"Apologies, Lady, but we cannot go against His Majesty\'s order, the knight said politely but firmly"

Lady Tyra understood they wouldn\'t allow them no matter what they say unless the King withdrew his order, so she stopped the nanny and pulled her away. "Come with me."

Lady Saira quietly followed the older lady. Once they reached a distance, Lady Tyra said, "I will be able to go to the prince\'s side so don\'t worry. Until the Great Lady returns, I am afraid we cannot do anything."

"But it will take at least one day for Her Ladyship to return," Lady Saira sobbed, unable to control the tears from her eyes. "How can we let such a young boy be left on his own? He has just caused such a big commotion in the palace, and from what I understand from the guards, the King is locking him up like a prisoner. His Highness must be really scared at this moment."

"Stop crying. He is not such a delicate boy for you to worry like this. We are the only ones on his side so we cannot be weak. Trust me, for now, you have to leave. I will go to him."

Lady Saira finally agreed, and Lady Tyra stepped towards one of the smaller hallways in the building, and after checking there was no one else around, she disappeared out of thin air. Lady Saira paced around the hallway, waiting for the older lady to return with good news.

After half an hour, Lady Tyra appeared before her once more. She had used her power to enter the waiting room where Drayce was locked.

"H-How is the Second Prince?" Lady Saira asked.

Lady Tyra shook her head. "He cannot stop crying and calling for his mother. His father\'s treatment towards him has shocked him greatly."

Lady Saira\'s heart sank. "What shall we do?"

"I will try to talk to His Majesty, though I doubt I will be able to convince him. I will send a message to the Great Lady about this incident as well. I hope she will manage to return soon."

"I will stay here then," Lady Saira offered.

The older woman left. She requested an audience with the King but she was denied again and again. Half a day passed by, but there was no news and Lady Saira grew anxious.

"Let me get water and food for the Prince."

"His Majesty ordered not to do so," the guard replied.

"I\'m begging you. The Prince has been inside for so many hours. He must be thirsty—"

"Please do not make this hard for me, lady. We cannot go against the King\'s order. I am also just doing my job."

Lady Saira sighed and felt helpless.

Lady  Saira soon found Lady Tyra and informed her of the situation. Lady Tyra could only sigh. "I could not meet the King but I have already sent a message to the Great Lady. Let\'s pray she returns early as she is the only one who can talk to His Majesty."

"When will she be here?"

"If nothing unexpected happens, probably tomorrow at noon, evening at the latest."

"We can\'t let him be imprisoned for so long without water and food…" Lady Saira said. "I know what to do. Please stay here in my stead."

"Where are you…"

"I will come back soon," Lady Saira replied and ran away in a hurry.

Lady Saira believed that the King cared for Drayce despite the harsh punishment he gave today and that as long as his anger calmed down, a lighter punishment would be given to the little boy. "I…I will personally go to His Majesty and beg him. I cannot let the little prince stay there like a prisoner. The Queen left him to me. She trusted me to take good care of her son. I cannot break her trust."

Seeing the hope on the younger lady\'s face, Lady Tyra decided to let her try. Lady Saira went to the King\'s study and she recognized an official who was one of the King\'s trusted aides. She approached the man carrying documents to another office.

"Excuse me. I am Saira Cloven, a lady serving under the Queen. May I ask where his Majesty has gone?"

"His Majesty has retired for the day and returned to his residence."

After saying a brief thanks, the anxious nanny immediately called for a carriage to go to the King\'s palace. She asked for an audience with the King, but her request was denied.

Seeing that the King was refusing to meet anyone, she decided to enter the Queen\'s residence and try her last means—the connecting hallway between the two adjacent palaces.

\'If I\'m lucky, the least will be three months in prison, but if they strictly implement the rules, it will be the death penalty.\'

She had already crossed it once, and that act by itself could already have her fired from her job or land her days in prison. Now, she was going to do it again and the second offence would not be light. She knew what she was doing was irrational but she had to do it. She could not disappoint the Queen who had trusted her with her son.

She wiped those tears and let out a shaky exhale to get rid of how helpless she was feeling at the moment. Her light brown eyes, her delicate face puffy red due to her crying, looked ahead with the determination of crossing that hallway and reaching the King.

As expected, a knight was guarding the other side. It seemed like they already changed shifts, as it wasn\'t the same knight from earlier. She wondered what methods she could use to distract him, but to her surprise, she saw the King walking in another hallway.

"Your Majesty!" she called out.

She ran with all her might, and she only stopped after kneeling in front of the King. The guardian knight behind Theron moved to stand between her and the King, his sword unsheathed and pointed at her head.

Sir Galien spoke, "Lady Saira, what are you doing? How dare you be rude in front of the King?!"

The King looked down at her with clenched fists. He was not in the mood for any nonsense. If he could, he would grab his sword and behead this woman, but since his guardian knight spoke first, he stopped himself from acting out.

"I-I am here to talk to His Majesty. Please allow me to," she said and looked up with her teary eyes. "Your Majesty, please let the Second Prince go back to the Queen\'s residence. He is innocent. He just wanted to see his father."

\'Father?\' That word angered the King even more.

Sir Galien once again meddled. "Lady Saira, please get back to your senses. You can be severely punished for this."

"I know," she said in a crying voice, "but I am ready to receive punishment as long as I can fulfil my promise to the Queen. I promised her I will take care of the Prince. I need to keep my word. I need to take care of him." She looked at the King. "Your Majesty, I beg you to let the Prince go. He is too small to be punished like this. He would be scared there. Let me go see him, or at least, please allow me to attend to his needs. He hasn\'t even had anything to drink the entire day. I…I will try my best so that he won\'t do it again. I am sure he\'s repenting for the trouble he caused, but Your Majesty, he\'s still so young. Please let him be grounded in the Queen\'s palace. I promise you he won\'t be allowed to take a single step outside. I am ready to accept any punishment for going against Your Majesty but please let him go…"

The King merely scowled at her, not saying anything.

"Your Majesty can take my life even," Lady Saira continued, "but…but in exchange, please forgive the Prince\'s ignorant mistake. He is still young and needs more discipline. He is just upset as he already lost his mother…I promised Her Majesty—-"

"A promise?" the King repeated as he clenched his fists even tighter.

"Y-Yes, Your Majesty." Lady Saira thought hearing the promise made with his wife would calm the King, but she didn\'t expect his next words.

"You dare go against the King for that promise?" he asked coldly.

"As long as I am alive, I will do my best to fulfil it. Nothing can stop me from doing so. I am Prince Drayce\'s nanny," she said with determination as she looked back at the King.

Theron felt angry that a mere retainer was challenging his authority, telling him to change the punishment he had already given. She was the same as the one she served…the Queen.

"You are relieved from your duty as his nanny," said the King. "Leave the palace at once."

Though she already expected it, Lady Saira was still shaken.

"Your Majesty, I am willing to accept my punishment, but at least give me a few days to continue serving the Second Prince. Let me arrange for his stay in the Queen\'s residence," she said with determination. "My life\'s sole purpose is to serve Her Majesty. Though she is not here, I wish to dedicate my life to the Second Prince. If my being banished from the palace will make his punishment lighter, then I will embrace it willingly."

\'Just like her,\' the King frowned with distaste, seeing her behaving stubbornly like the Queen. A spiteful thought lingered in his mind.

"You want to stay here?" the King asked, "and look after that prince?"

The way he asked that gave Lady Saira an ominous feeling. "Y-Yes, Your Majesty."

Theron looked at Sir Galien. "Prepare her to be my concubine."

As if the sky had fallen on Lady Saira, she cried out, "Your Majesty?!"

"Is that not what you want? You will stay in the palace, you will get to see the Second Prince but within the boundaries of being my concubine." The King then looked at his knight. "If she refuses to accept the King\'s decree, put her on trial for the crime of treason to the crown and revoke the peerage granted to her family."

"Y-Your Majesty…" Lady Saira\'s face turned pale. She didn\'t expect this outcome.

Theron passed her a cold baleful glare and walked past her, leaving her crying on her knees.

She knew that once she became his concubine, she would not be allowed to move around freely unless the King permits her. Intuition was telling her he would probably have her stay in the Vermillion Palace as an extension of her punishment.

She would not be allowed to step foot in the Queen\'s residence, and she could no longer stay by the Second Prince\'s side to look after him….to fulfil the promise she made with the Queen.

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