Witch's Daughter And The Devil's Son

Chapter 621 Arriving Abetha

The Crown Prince of Griven could feel the gaze on the back of his head coming from the direction of the Queen of Megaris.  Though he was pretending to not have caught her peeking, with his senses, it was impossible for the woman to hide the fact that she had been observing him. Arlan could see that a few months ago, her gaze held nothing but passing courtesy towards him, and now, those purple eyes held an unmistakable interest in them.

"Did you tell something not so good about me to your wife?" Arlan asked Drayce.

"Teaching her with the best example available," Drayce replied.

"Teaching? What?" He narrowed his eyes on the young king. "What did you exactly tell her that she looks at me with such a suspicious gaze?"

"Told her not to be deceived with sweet talk and pretty faces."

"Hah. Of all people, you use me?" Arlan let out an exaggerated sigh of disappointment. "Now she will think of me like some kind of monster can come out of me anytime."

"Don\'t worry, even if you are truly a monster, my wife can handle it. Let her observe you."

"She will learn nothing from simple observation. The only menace in this ship are those seagulls being noisy above us. Do you want me to show her something serious so she can—"

"Don\'t you even think about it."

"So protective and yet want to teach her."

"She will learn slowly. We are not in a hurry."

For the following week, their journey went by smoothly. The ship stopped at Squeed Island on the third day, and then they sailed straight for the southeasternmost city of Abetha, the port city of Baycall.

From a distance, a vast port came into their sight. The familiar architectural style of her homeland and the flag on some of the sea vessels reminded Seren that she had truly returned. Where Megaris prefer simplicity and sturdiness and Griven beauty and creativity, most of the buildings and structures of Abetha were grand and towering, the heights of the structures meant to economize space as the commerce of the kingdom caused the population and institutions within each city to be highly dense. Even from afar, Seren could see the towers and spires looking like sharp swords stabbed on the ground.

The tallest of them all was the lighthouse which came into sight even before she could see the details of the port city. Given it was daylight, it was not lit up to guide ships and sea vessels, but it was still eye-catching enough for those in the ship. As they approached the harbor, it was noticeable that not many ships were docked and none was allowed to enter or leave as all activity on the port area had been suspended to ensure the security of the area for the arrival of the King and the Queen of Megaris.

"This city is…?" Seren, who was standing with Drayce at the bow, asked. Though she was a native of Abetha, she had little knowledge of its geography.

"The city of Baycall. It\'s pretty much similar to the city of Selve in Griven."

"It looks twice as large. The docks could possibly fill hundreds of ships. I wonder how bustling the pier looks on a normal day," she commented.

"Being in the center of the continent, Abetha is acclaimed to be the wealthiest kingdom, not only because it is blessed with all kinds of natural resources but also because they export a lot of goods to other kingdoms and this port plays a big role in it as a transport hub. After all, journeying by the sea is faster than by land when it comes to foreign trade."

Seren understood, but as much as she was awed by the beautiful sight, a part of her could not help but feel complicated. She didn\'t know how to feel about coming back to her homeland…to the kingdom which was more like a prison to her than anything else.

She felt more like a stranger stepping foot in an unfamiliar land.

Family? She never felt their warmth, except for the two people who treated her well— her nanny and her older brother.

Her purple eyes could not help but sweep the sight before her. In her head, she could not even remember the city of \'Baycall\'. This beautiful port, she never even knew its existence. She never got the chance to step foot in this place. While she might have a lofty status as a member of the royal family, she was nothing more than a girl hidden in a tower who could only dream of seeing the sea. Her only reference of its beauty came from when she read a story about pirates.

"Martha, do we have a sea in Abetha? If I go there, can I see the ships and port described in this story?"

"We do, and they look just like in that story."

"Whoa, I want to see it! The book says the sea is a large, very, very large mass of water—so vast you cannot see the end! And, and those giant ships! Are they really as large as a house?"

Her nanny could only smile at her enthusiasm.

"The princess in the story played on the seashore. I also want to play outside like this princess. She said the waves hitting her feet tickled. I want to experience that too. Can we go out? When will you take me to sea, Martha?"

"We cannot, my Lady."

"Why? Can\'t we go at least once? I promise to be good today."

"We really cannot."

"Please, Martha."

"My Lady, it\'s time for you to have your midday meal."

"Martha…did you not hear me…? She left…she never listens to me…"

Seren\'s eyes turned moist as she remembered those ordinary wishes she had as a child. Looking back, only now did she realize how small and simple those wishes truly were. She never got to fulfill them as a child, and now that she was about to come of age, the sorrow of those times reminded her of the many things she lacked growing up.

Countless thoughts and emotions rushed to her along with those memories as the ship got closer and closer to the port, yet not a single one of them she could get hold of.

Her homeland, was it truly home? The people and the place which she had left behind… the accumulation of heartaches and bad memories…all those, she had to face them again.

Drayce looked at his wife who seemed to have turned emotional. He put his hand around her shoulder and rubbed it gently to comfort her.

After she leaned against his shoulder, Drayce looked ahead, his eyes taking in the approaching sight of the city as he thought about his mother.

\'Mother, I wonder if you are there. Will I get a chance to see you? I wish I could simply appear right next to you just like how I used to find you in the past.\' His chest felt overwhelmed with the thought of finally being able to see his mother. Hope, even if in vain, at least finally there was hope…

As they neared the harbor, the city of Baycall became more visible to their eyes. On the part of the pier where their ship was going to be docked, there was a large group of Abetha royal soldiers, their blue-black uniforms giving out their identities. They were here to welcome the royal guests from Megaris.

Soon, the ship arrived at the dock and the arrangements were made for everyone to disembark from the ship. Just like in Selve, the entire pier area was controlled with tight security by both the city guards and the royal soldiers brought by the Crown Prince of Abetha, Prince Cian, to stop others from creating any disturbances for the King and Queen of Megaris.

Prince Cian himself was present as the head of the welcoming party, the representative of the royal family of Abetha, to escort the King and the Queen of Megaris who would be soon traveling towards the capital. The handsome Crown Prince wore a dignified ceremonial attire, cutting quite a dashing figure amidst the uniformed knights. Though he looked expressionless at first glance, one could see the joy and expectation in his sapphire-blue eyes. More than receiving the royal guests from Megaris, Cian was happier about the fact he was first to meet his sister the moment she arrived. His head was full of plans, wishing to spend as much time with her within the limited time she would be in Abetha.

Behind Cian, there was a troop of knights led by his guardian knight, Sir Eliot Rainier, and right behind them were the local nobles led by the territory lord of Baycall, Duke Savaric.

The flag bearer of Megaris was the first one to disembark the ship, with the commander and vice commander of the royal knights, Slayer and Azer leading the way for the King and the Queen of Megaris.

Afterwards, a second entourage, smaller but not any less luxurious came down, with the Crown Prince of Griven leading his own knights and subordinates.

Drayce held Seren\'s hand and escorted her without fault. Except for Cian and his knights, for the others, mainly the duke and the smaller nobles, this was the first time they would be witnessing such important royals from different kingdoms stepping foot in their humble city. Especially for most, they could not help but give a second look at the young woman whose face was covered with a veil.

\'That\'s the Third Princess—no, the Queen of Megaris?\'

\'She\'s just as the rumors say!\'

\'Purple eyes! Snake scales on her skin!\'

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