Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 359

Chapter 359: Chapter 69

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The Goddess of Harvest died just as they saw she had almost escaped.

It was her old opponent, the God of Marsh, who had killed her.

All the Gods felt dizzy at this scene, but only the God of Wealth breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the process had been a little dangerous, the outcome was satisfactory to her. As long as her biggest opponent was dead, the price she had paid before was totally worth it.

At this time, she couldn’t help but think of the expensive employment cost.

All right! It always costs a fortune to do great things. My life would be much better without the constraints of that b*stard Moritre, and it was reasonable to spend some money on it.

She comforted herself like this, but she still felt a little depressed.

It had been a huge expense!

At this time, a God who always hid in the dark also smiled.

“Fortunately, that fellow’s head wasn’t filled with mud and moss, and it was worthwhile for me to spend such Great Divine Power to arrange this ambush for him!” He poured himself a glass of wine with satisfaction, smiling, and drank it alone. “Although I haven’t received any practical benefits this time, it would be much more convincing for me to do things by making all the evil Gods move out, which would effectively attract the attention of all the Gods.”

“And...” He opened his palm with a smile and a bright pearl rolled slowly in his palm.

This pearl was the biggest gain from his journey!

The reason why the Goddess of Harvest had once had the ambition to compete for the position of the main God in Natural God System was that she had received a very important treasure. That treasure was the legacy of the God of Virtue, which could produce an incredible and wonderful world. It was first acquired by the Goddess of Life, and the reason why she could create such advanced elves called ‘the golden race’ was not only due to her great Divine Power, but also this treasure. Later, after the death of the Goddess of Life, this treasure had disappeared. No one knew how it had fallen into the hands of the Goddess of Harvest.

Of course, the Goddess of Harvest only had a fragment of the treasure, which wasn’t as powerful as it had been in the hands of the God of Virtue, nor was it as useful as in the hands of the Goddess of Life. But even so, this treasure gave her great confidence, which made her dare to challenge these two powerful Gods—the sky and the earth—and compete for the throne of the natural holy pedigree.

Unfortunately, her ambition went beyond her strength, and the challenge between her and the King of Sky also failed. Even the treasure was damaged again, but she wasn’t stupid enough to reveal the secret of the treasure. Otherwise, the King of Sky would have killed her and robbed the treasure under the pretext of “cleansing the doors of perception.”

Over the years, although the Goddess of Harvest had always been in the natural holy pedigree, she had kept her distance from those two powerful Gods in order to protect the secret of the treasure.

She had been trying to repair the treasure all this time, but unfortunately, her ability was very limited. Over tens of thousands of years, this precious treasure hadn’t been repaired, and on the contrary, it was getting worse and worse with its tendency to degenerate.

What was more, she had never trained sufficiently powerful subordinates because she had spent most of her Divine Power on repairing the treasure. There were no God followers or demigods among her followers.

At this time, the God of Conspiracy knew about the secret of the treasure.

He wasn’t in a hurry to steal the treasure, but he was trying to provoke contradictions between the Church of the Goddess of Harvest and other churches, thus creating a big mess so that he could take advantage of this chaotic occasion to steal the treasure.

The four evil Gods were the God of Marsh, the Goddess of Ocean, the God of Storm, and the God of Aristocracy. They were inspired by him to form an alliance and intended to unite and take Garth City as a starting point to attack the Goddess of Harvest fiercely and sabotage her faith.

Originally, according to the plan made by the God of Conspiracy, the God of Marsh was to launch a frontal attack, while the God of Ocean and the God of Storm attacked from the side. At the most crucial moment, the God of Aristocracy would kill her with a knife in the back. At this time, the Goddess of Harvest would have no choice but to take out the treasure to save herself and then they who had made the preparations would steal the treasure.

However, man proposes, God disposes. No one could predict that a jellyfish God of Void Mask would come, with its fighting power having reached its peak before the completion of the apotheosis ceremony! The God of Ocean and the God of Storm were beaten down, though still alive, during the great war, while the God of Aristocracy was so frightened that he didn’t dare fight again, leaving only the God of Marsh in the battle.

Although the God of Marsh had won the upper hand in the battle by making full preparations in advance, since the Goddess of Harvest wasn’t afraid of death, she would certainly not take out the treasure. The God of Conspiracy had no choice but to plot against the Goddess of Harvest in order to get things on track.

In the end... the Goddess of Harvest chose to explode her incarnation and perished along with the incarnation with the God of Marsh.

The God of Conspiracy could hardly wait to scold the Goddess of Harvest—what an idiot she was! What kind of brain did she have to think of such a strange way to explode her incarnation to perish with it?!

But scolding wasn’t his style, so he chose to wait silently and continue to seek and create opportunities.

Soon, he found another opportunity.

During the reconstruction of the Garth City, serious contradictions surfaced among the Goddess of Harvest, the Church of the God of Wealth, and the Church of the Void Mask.

The God of Conspiracy certainly started it with the Church of Void Mask, since that big jellyfish could defeat more enemies than the fat Goddess of Wealth. It was unreliable to only depend on the fat woman!

However, things went the opposite way of his expectations. The Church of Void Mask had put its core in the Ashes Woods located in the northwest region of the main plane and built a magnificent amusement park in a desolate world of ice and snow where the negative energy was rampant.

With a property this large, who would care about Garth City!

The Archbishop of the Church of Void Mask, unsurprisingly, refused to confront the Church of the Goddess of Harvest, and the descendants of the God of Eagle were much more cunning than their ancestors, even making the Church of the God of Wealth willing to be their shield without any complaints.

This guy is so much like my followers. If he believed in me, I would promote him as one of my candidates!

The God of Conspiracy thought about this while he secretly egged on the disagreement between the Churches of the God of Wealth and the Goddess of Harvest.

The Archbishop of the Church of the Goddess of Harvest in the Garth City died in the conflict and was unexpectedly killed by a group of adventurers who were recruited by the Church of the God of Wealth.

The Church of the Goddess of Harvest would certainly not put the matter to rest and began to hunt down those adventurers immediately. Meanwhile, the Church of the God of Wealth had to protect their capable adventurers, so they fought with each other fiercely. The Church of the God of Wealth suffered great losses, and those adventurers, along with a Sacred Warrior, were all killed.

Therefore, the Church of the God of Wealth raged and immediately spent a large amount of money recruiting more than dozens of powerful adventurers, who in turn fought against the unprepared Church of the Goddess of Harvest fiercely. The Church of the Goddess of Harvest had suffered great losses in the battle, and nearly its whole army was killed.

Of course, the Church of the Goddess of Harvest wasn’t the kind of group to mess around with. In great anger, they even sent the Legendary Master to fight in the battle with artifacts.

If things continued like this, the Legendary Master with his artifacts and the owner of the Garth City, Leon, would be strong enough to defeat the Church of the God of Wealth, and no one would even live to come back home, so the God of Conspiracy started off to find the God of Wealth secretly.

With his persuasion and encouragement, the God of Wealth used his Divine Power to block the power of the Goddess of Harvest. Then she sent at least half of the high-end forces at her disposal to the Garth City through the Void Mask amusement park.

One side was both confident and careless, while the other side had made full preparations in advance. The result was predictable.

The Church of the Goddess of Harvest had suffered great losses in the battle, which had destroyed its vitality, and the God of Conspiracy kept making more trouble for her in order to help the God of Wealth. What was more, the God of Wealth was extremely fortunate enough to have such a powerful and smart green jellyfish whose ideas improved the strength of the God of Wealth, quickly approaching the peak of the mid-level divine powers.

As the strength of the God of Wealth grew, his ambition was also sprouting. Now, she had a new name, the Goddess of Wealth, and her new image was much more attractive compared to her previous fat appearance. She wanted to defeat the Goddess of Harvest completely so as to build up her authority and pave the way for future great actions such as stepping into Great Divine Powers, training God followers, and building holy pedigrees.

The God of Conspiracy certainly supported her idea, as he had been waiting for this day for a long time.

Therefore, he took out his well-designed plans. First, he would make the Goddess of Harvest promote her God followers as quickly as possible, and when the climax ceremony was over, he would send mercenaries to launch an attack on the Kingdom of the Goddess of Harvest, thus forcing the Goddess of Harvest to escape. Then he would contact the God of Marsh to ambush her on the road, and if the God of Marsh failed to attack, the Goddess of Wealth would do so herself.

His plan wasn’t complicated, and the key lied in how to force the Goddess of Harvest to promote a God follower and where to find powerful mercenaries.

The God of Conspiracy made a solemn oath and received the greatest Divine Powers from the Goddess of Wealth. Even though he also wanted to steal the Divine Power for himself, even if it would mean disobeying his oath, he didn’t operate like that. On the contrary, he went to find all the evil Gods.

He spent a lot of energy and time to persuade more than a dozen evil Gods, among which there was an unexpected supporter—the Dragon of Chaos, who was also very curious about this matter and showed his willingness to participate.

With this powerful man, the God of Conspiracy refused to persuade the rest of the evil Gods and went directly to find the God of Marsh.

The God of Marsh had suffered great losses the last time, so he could never shake the idea of taking revenge, and the two naturally hit it off. The last part of the plan was to encourage the Goddess of Harvest to promote a God follower.

For others, it would be very difficult to do such a thing, but for the God of Conspiracy, it was his greatest skill to make false impressions that would give people the wrong idea.

The Goddess of Harvest was depressed, because her church had suffered heavy losses, and she also was devastated by the fact that she had been forced to explode her incarnation. At present, she was in low spirits and had no confidence. Moreover, she had also been misled by the God of Conspiracy and felt that the situation was getting worse and worse, leading to a moment of life or death.

At this time, the God of Conspiracy found her and told her that he had a perfect apotheosis ceremony that could turn the cities into holy areas and greatly increase the success rate of their development. In exchange, she only had to lend him the treasure for one hundred years.

The Goddess of Harvest was startled and wanted to kill the God of Conspiracy, but it wasn’t easy for her to kill him. If the Goddess of Harvest could have killed him, then he would have died a thousand times.

The Goddess of Harvest failed to kill him and had to talk with him. They talked for a long time and bargained several times. In the end, the God of Conspiracy spent a lot of Divine Power as a reward and took out many treasures as collateral in exchange for an opportunity to borrow the treasure for ten years. In addition, he had to make a serious pledge that if he revealed its secrets or didn’t return it on time, he would die immediately without even a chance for reincarnation.

The God of Conspiracy acted very properly at that time. Although the Goddess of Harvest had made other requests, he firmly agreed to such conditions. If the Goddess of Harvest had asked for more, their deal would have ended, and he would have spread the secret to the world.

Under the circumstances, the Goddess of Harvest had little choice.

“Several plans, countless ideas, how much effort did I expend!” The God of Conspiracy looked at the bright pearl in his hand that had many cracks and laughed brilliantly. “It was worth my effort!”

What was important was that the Goddess of Harvest died, and no one in the world would know that she had owned that treasure!

Thinking about this, he smiled more happily.

At just this moment, a voice which was usually not heard here came from behind his body.

“Isn’t this the legacy of the God of Virtue? It seems weaker than before!”

At that moment, the God of Conspiracy’s whole body became stiff.

He turned back slowly and saw an old man with three different of expressions, one smiling, one yearning, and one greedy.

“Chaos... The Dragon of Chaos...”

Why? Why has the Dragon of Chaos appeared here ? Wasn’t he still in the Kingdom of the Goddess of Harvest? Is this a stand-in over there? Or is his stand-in in the kingdom? Why didn’t he respond to my conspiracy and clergy? What the hell is going on?

His mind was a mess, and he wanted to escape, only to find that his ever-proud shadow moving ability was failing. What was more, his body was too stiff to move even a finger.

The old man ignored the moaning of the God of Conspiracy, who couldn’t move at all, and reached out to take the pearl from him. He looked at it carefully for a long time and sighed deeply.

“The power of time was really so terrible that even the pearl has become like this!”

After saying this, he brought the pearl to his middle face and swallowed it.

“This gift is so good. I’m quite satisfied with this,” he said to the God of Conspiracy. “I deserved to possess such a reward.”

He faded away gradually, leaving only his words lingering in the air. “Next time there’s such a good thing available, don’t forget to call me. I’ll be on call anytime.”

When he disappeared completely into the dark, the God of Conspiracy could move again.

His reaction was to spread the news of the treasure as widely as possible. If he couldn’t get it back, the Dragon of Chaos would never take advantage of it.

But he hesitated and thought for a long time. Finally, he stamped his foot and shouted out in anger at the abuse.

Since he didn’t want to spread the news of the treasure, he could only do one thing at that time.

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