Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 424

Some of the Great Divine Powers might not be normal, but they were not fools.

Therefore, although the “resurrection of the God of Healing” had caused an uproar, nothing happened until the target date that Sui Xiong had announced before. At least seemingly, everything was peaceful.

However, both the gods who were concerned about this matter and Sui Xiong himself were very careful.

Sui Xiong didn’t know what others would do. He just invited all his reliable friends he could invite, of course, in the name of “viewing the ceremony.”

The location of the ceremony was in the Big Competition Field of Void City, which was the place where the Fighter Championship was going to be held.

It was almost the time to hold the second Fighter Championship, so Sui Xiong had already prepared the competition field. The scale of this competition might be smaller than the previous one, but the level of quality would be greatly improved. The specific method of the competition was temporarily a secret, but it would definitely be wonderful.

The Big Competition Field could accommodate 100,000 people, so it wouldn’t be a waste if it was also used as a ceremony field.

For example, now, the real body of Sui Xiong was holding the light cocoon at the center of the competition field. One avatar of Sui Xiong was chatting with his friends on the stand beside, and another avatar was patrolling in the air. Gods had this advantage. As long as their Divine Power was enough, they could have countless avatars.

However, almost no one knew about the other event.

In the secret underground room below the competition field, Arcaian Pasteur was making the final preparations. The time when the God of Healing would be resurrected was also the time when Arcaian would become a god.

This was a plan that had been decided after consultation. They would use the resurrection of the God of Healing to attract attention, so it would help him slightly conceal the movements when he became a god.

Of course, when he was successful in becoming a god, the vibrations from the origin of the world and the new seat added in the Pantheon temple couldn’t be concealed. However, by that time, it didn’t matter whether others knew it or not.

The most terrible thing would be if someone was disturbed at the moment when they were becoming a god. It didn’t matter after the completion though. In fact, many gods had been disturbed when they were becoming gods. They had resisted their enemies until they succeeded and then had killed all their enemies.

With a strong magical barrier, Arcaian couldn’t feel the situation on the ground. But that didn’t affect him because a communication avatar of Sui Xiong was left beside him. The avatar could always tell him about the outside world to avoid any mistakes.

No one else knew of this because Sui Xiong did the confidential work extremely well. In addition to Yorgaardman, Sui Xiong’s elder brother, even Sui Xiong’s friends who were invited to view the ceremony didn’t know that a new god was going to be born in a place that was about 20 or 30 meters under the ground.

Yorgaardman was the only one who knew that. He wasn’t good at telling lies, so he just pretended to be asleep. Anyway, he only had one task today. If someone came to make trouble and Sui Xiong couldn’t resist them, Sui Xiong would ask him for help.

He was good at being a hatchet man.

The plan he had drawn for himself was to keep silent. He didn’t need to open his mouth. He just fought when Sui Xiong needed him to fight.

Silence was gold. A real man just did instead of talking.

Although these were only the words Sui Xiong said when Sui Xiong occasionally made a joke, Yorgaardman really liked those two statements.

Compared to him, Javier, who knew nothing about that, had more enthusiasm. He curiously circled around the light cocoon several times, carefully observing it up and down; then he went to the avatar that Sui Xiong arranged to chat with the guests. Javier asked, “You were always worried about how to reunite the priesthood of Healing Spells. How did you solve that problem?”

When Sui Xiong’s friends heard Javier’s question, they couldn’t help but come together.

They were all very curious.

Because Sui Xiong couldn’t reunite the priesthood of Healing Spells for the God of Healing who was going to be resurrected, he had asked many of his friends. However, he hadn’t found any valuable advice.

That was not because they didn’t care or they hid something they knew. There just didn’t have good methods.

In general, there were two ways to resurrect a god.

The first way was to leave a medium for resurrection before the god fell. This medium might be an artifact, descendants who inherited the blood, or a secret altar. In the future, when the appropriate opportunity came, with sufficient Divine Power and divinity to activate the medium, the priesthood would rely on the medium to reshape, and then the god could be resurrected.

This situation was quite common. In the past years, at least a dozen gods had been resurrected this way.

The second way was that other gods would help maintain the churches and continue the belief system after the god fell. Believers repeatedly prayed for decades. After accumulating enough belief, the fallen god could be resurrected from death.

This situation was relatively rare. After the fall of the god, the god couldn’t grant believers divine spells. Moreover, without the guidance of the god, the believers would only fall into the underworld after death. Therefore, the god must have a very reliable god friend to help. Even if the relationship between the gods was good, it would rarely be so good.

If a god helped their friend to maintain the churches’ continuation and belief system, then that god would only spend Divine Power without any gains. Moreover, that god would have to spend more than just Divine Power. In order to prevent the soul of their fallen friend from falling into the underworld, that god must help their friend to keep their soul and even help build a small God’s Kingdom.

An ordinary god couldn’t bear such effort and energy to be spent this way. So even if a relationship was good, very few gods were willing to help.

Many good gods were willing to do others a favor, but it was difficult to support others selflessly until the other was resurrected.

The condition of the God of Healing didn’t belong to either of those two ways. She had been tortured by the previous Sun God. Although her divinity still remained, her priesthood and deity had completely collapsed, and her divinity was distorted. In this case, with her own power, she could only be the Love Angel. It was absolutely impossible for her to become the God of Healing again.

As for her churches and believers, during the long time of more than 10,000 years, they had long been completely annihilated. Even archaeologists had difficulty in finding relevant relics, let alone gather believers to continue praying to her.

What was even worse was that even the name, the God of Healing, had been occupied by other gods. The God of Pain, one of the Great Divine Powers, had a god named the God of Healing.

However, the priesthood of that God of Healing god was not Healing Divinity Spells—it was Relief and Salvation. The idea of that god wasn’t to spread healing spells or cure injuries and illness.; his aim was to help people suffer less.

Of course, helping people to suffer less naturally contained the content of Healing Divinity Spells. However, that god wasn’t pursuing that aspect, so he hadn’t condensed that priesthood entirely. This was because that priesthood was destroyed by the previous Sun God. Therefore, no one could reunite it. After the previous Sun God had died, it was only able to be reshaped.

Reshaping it was the key to resurrecting the God of Healing, and it was Sui Xiong who did that.

The resurrection of the God of Healing relied solely on Sui Xiong.

The Divine Power was supported by Sui Xiong, and the divinity was shaped by Sui Xiong. Her priesthood was also reunited with the help of Sui Xiong. Strictly speaking, the God of Healing wasn’t being resurrected but was rather starting a new life.

The original God of Healing was always wearing a smile. She had a good temper and only got angry when facing the God of Plague or the God of Suffering. After a while, the god that would come out of the light cocoon would definitely not be the original God of Healing. She would be the new God of Healing who was influenced by Sui Xiong and would have similarities and common points with Sui Xiong in some aspects.

Sui Xiong and the others all felt that nothing was wrong with that.

However, Ariel, the Goddess of Ocean seemed to have a slight opinion on that. She had once come to visit Sui Xiong, specifically complaining about that. Her thoughts were all jumbled up when she spoke.

After she had finished, Sui Xiong had sorted out what she had said. In conclusion, he thought that her words could be understood as “Do you have a hobby of resurrecting fallen gods? It’s only been a few years, and this is already the second one. I thought you wouldn’t do it again!”

Well, roughly, it was like that.

Although Sui Xiong wasn’t an expert in child psychology, he thought that her words seemed to be similar to a child screaming “I don’t want a younger sibling.”

That showed that Brother Xun was not only an expert in child psychology but also knew a little about female psychology.

After all, he was an artist.

At that time, facing the complaints of Ariel, he had been very puzzled. He had asked, “Is it not good to save others? The God of Healing is also a kind god.”

Ariel had been speechless and turned into a bubble, escaping angrily.

Sui Xiong had thought that she wouldn’t come today, but she actually came. She was even dressed very beautifully.

What a kid!

She regained her life with Sui Xiong’s help, so Sui Xiong somehow treated her as his own child. At this moment, seeing her childish behavior, he thought it a bit funny.

“Okay, don’t be angry,” he said to Ariel. “Anger can’t solve a problem. You see, after the God of Healing is resurrected, you and her will become natural allies. Isn’t it good that you guys will help each other, support each other, and make progress together in the future?”

Ariel looked at him with her blue eyes. She looked at him for a long time and finally sighed deeply.

“Don’t think of me as a child who understands nothing!” she muttered, a little crestfallen.

“There, there,” Sui Xiong said with a smile. He turned his tentacle into a palm like an ordinary person, gently touching her hair.

Then, Ariel was even more crestfallen.

Manissy came. She asked with interest, “What kind of work are you going to arrange for the God of Healing after her resurrection?”

Sui Xiong thought for a moment. Then, he said, “I don’t plan to arrange work for her temporarily. She can do whatever she wants. After she fully recovers, perhaps I will let her preside over the work of the clergymen.”

Manissy was stunned, then she asked wonderingly, “Why not let her preside over a hospital or a medical school?”

Sui Xiong was suddenly speechless. He couldn’t say that “those jobs were for Arcaian.”

Indeed, without Arcaian, the God of Medicine, the God of Healing would be very suitable for those jobs. If those jobs could be hosted by a real god, there would be great progress.

However, he had Arcaian!

He thought about it repeatedly, and he really couldn’t think of any suitable answer. In the end, he had to say something unrelated.

Of course, Manissy wouldn’t be fooled by his little trick. She looked at Sui Xiong carefully and then nodded thoughtfully.

“I get it, I think,” she said, “Don’t worry, I will support you.”

“What? What do you get?” Sui Xiong asked in surprise.

Manissy didn’t explain; she just laughed happily.

Sui Xiong was more puzzled and curious, so he couldn’t help but ask her again.

Manissy looked around. Then, she whispered, “You just want to keep this seat for the woman who can turn into a pig, right? Don’t worry. To tell the truth, I also think that she is funny. Although her private life is a bit terrible, she is doing proper business. Over the years, under her management, the clinic has become better and better.”

Only then did Sui Xiong understand what she meant. He only felt that there were 500 alpacas running past cheerfully in his heart, leaving a mess.

“Why would you think of the weirdo, Steele? Even if she becomes a god, she won’t become a god in the direction of healing. I think she will become a certain god whose name is forbidden to write down.”

Manissy shook her head, smiling. She said, “Why do you play dumb! I have been paying attention to that woman. Don’t worry, I will keep your secret.”

Facing such a self-righteous guy, Sui Xiong was helpless.

He couldn’t scream at Manissy’s ear, “How’s your eyesight!”

After a sigh, he decided not to think about that question.

It was still early from noon, so he simply shook his head; he went to look for Morani and Ink to drink wine.

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