Banished to Another World

Chapter 293: Yan Mo’s Lies

Chapter 293: Yan Mo\'s Lies

Yan Mo raised his hand and touched his face. Yuan Zhan grabbed his hand.

He grabbed his hand very hard, Yan Mo grinned, "Animal, lighten up."

The strength was not lightened, but on the contrary, there is an increasing trend.

"What are you angry about?" Yan Mo got up and the bones cracked. "Ouch, my waist!"

Yuan Zhan\'s eyes showed a trace of pain. He let go of his hand and held him.

Yan Mo sat up and looked at his pinched red hand. It was definitely not a teenager\'s hand. His skin was loose, his veins were exposed and his knuckles were slightly thick, just like an old man\'s hand.

By the way, he was punished by the guide for one year of aging! This time, he was much older than the last time last time, and he felt like a real old man in my body.

Yuan Zhan\'s voice was mute. "You shouldn\'t have taken the mermaid to the temple. We can develop without the help of the Mer-people. If we can\'t, we\'ll give up the Jiu Yuan!"

"Get out of the way, Laozi has spent so much energy to turn Jiu Yuan into the present state and you say you want me to give up? You can give up, I can\'t give up." Yan Mo swore idly, without realizing that his mood had completely changed.

Yuan Zhan shook his fist. The tribe is very important, but when compared with Mo, he doesn\'t even have to think to choose. "How long will the ancestor punish you this time?"

Yan Mo was about to answer, saying for a year, looking into the eyes of the young man, and saying, "One hundred years."

Yuan Zhan\'s eyes contracted. "Just because you saved a little mermaid?"

"No, I now understand why pregnant mermaids are prone to miscarriage. If I teach them how to save their pregnant Mer-woman later, as long as they were careful, they would not be as prone to miscarriage as they are now. Mer-people are a middle to long-lived race. Although they are difficult to conceive and can only mature sexually at the age of 50, if they are pregnant more, they can increase. Even if they are pregnant for up to three years and a mature Mer-woman is lucky, they can produce about three or five little mermaids in their lifetime. The population of the Mer-people will not explode in one go, but they will get their number more and more.”

"What’s wrong with the Mer-people number increase? Didn\'t the ancestors want them to increase?” Yuan Zhan does not understand.

"No, the ancestors just wanted to keep the world in balance. He said, I have to help Mer-people, and I will have to help other creatures in the future. They want for every race to prosper together and not let one family be the dominant one."

Yan Mo said this, he can\'t help thinking why the guide brought him here, is this also for a balance of human strength, in order not to let the Three Cities dominate the world? After all, human nature is filled with internal strife. It may be because the guide is trying a better way to suppress human beings without affecting other organisms.

But if so, can the struggle between The Ding Yue Tribe and The Three Cities have the same effect?

No, no, Ding Yue started to use metal, but they just started, and their strength is far worse than that of The Three Cities, which has a large number of blood ability warrior and can also make bone weapons.

If the Three Cities knew the particularity of Ding Yue metal control ability, they would probably soon eliminate the tribe and absorb the way they use metal. When they perceive the benefits of metal, they will certainly abandon bone objects and devote themselves to the research of metal. Thus, the Three Cities with a strong background will soon develop and the metal civilization began.

In order to dig up metals and make full use of them, crystalline energy will be widely used, and other potential energy buried on the planet will be found sooner or later. And the other intelligent creatures of all races living on this planet will certainly not allow human beings to enter their own turf and chaos, so the war will break out! Then the planet will be as hollow as his original world.

Similarly, only the development of the Bone Sculpting People civilization led to mass killings, such as the original Bone Sculpting People were probably killed in public anger.

So the guide brought him here. He did not know whether his inheritance of the Bone Sculpting people was a foreseeable and inevitable development, but if he has inherited the Bone Sculpting People and inherited the Fruit of Witchcraft, he would surely become another major force in mankind.

With The Jiu Yuan, The Three Cities and Ding Yue probably won\'t go against each other so fast. On the contrary, they will probably find him and cause him trouble by attacking him together.

And he must struggle to survive, maybe with other intelligent creatures, maybe with a city in The Three Cities. In the end, human beings either lose to someone or lose to each other, or enter a period of tripartite development after a war.

Metal civilization is not necessarily capable of overthrowingthe bone sculpting civilization, bone sculpting civilization is not necessarily able to overthrow the metal civilization, plus the world\'s powerful intelligent races, maybe the world can really maintain a delicate balance, let all ethnic groups develop together on this planet.

Of course, he is afraid even the guide can\'t make a completely correct guess about what will happen in the future. It can only follow certain rules and do and see the results

Yuan Zhan stopped talking after Yan Mo said that, thinking that he was sorry to wait for a hundred years old.

For a hundred years, he didn\'t know if he could live that long.

"Old age, so what, I don\'t want you to hunt prey, and I will do it for you. If you can\'t walk, I\'ll carry you. You can\'t eat. I\'ll feed you. You shit and piss, I wipe your xss and take you with me in the bath.”

Yan Mo felt his mouth go sour. He was cold-blooded and not easily moved by promises. He has seen too many cases of filial piety in front of beds for too long, not only between parents and children, but also between couples.

"When I\'m old, I\'ll just be your priest. I won\'t stop you from looking for someone else. You can definitely find a woman to have your own child, so it\'s normal." Normal bullshit! Laozi has been abnormal (gay) by you. Do you still want to have a normal life with wife? In the future, if you dare to find someone else, I will make your thing rot!

Yuan Zhan did not say anything to refute, nor did he commit anything. He just turned his eyes and stretched out his hand to help him stand up. "Can you walk? When you are old, you should exercise more. You can\'t lie down. You won\'t get up easily when you lie down. You\'ve been sleeping for two days, and you haven\'t seen anyone for the first five days. Shen-Gu want to see you, Yu-Wu has been waiting for you to wake up.”

Yan Mo heard Shen-Gu\'s name and patted his head. "What happened to Shen-Gu? Did he awake? What abilities?”

When he went to Yu-Wu that day, he rushed to help Shen-Guwith acupuncture only once in the evening. Later, he entered the laboratory and was busy and did not visit Shen-Gu again.

But the medicinal bath that should be soaked has also been soaked, and it is time to give him acupuncture and meridians to open those channels. Everything he can do has been done. Whether Shen-Gu can awaken his ability depends on himself.

"If you go and see it, you will know." Yuan Zhan has sold a small business.

Yan Mo got up to wash and change clothes.

Yuan Zhan abandoned Yan Mo idea of walking slowly and held him up directly.

"Let me down!" Yan Mo disliked the ugly posture of being carried.

Shen-Gu, who is training himself, heard the news from one of the Priest guards that Priest Da-Ren woke up and wanted to see him and immediately followed the guard to the Priest residence.

On the way, many people would look enviously at Shen-Gu, especially the warriors who were brought back with him.

Shen-Gu is really strong among them. He reached the 5th rank when he was a young man. However, Shen-Gu did not wake up his blood when he reached the 5th rank in strength. Few people thought he could wake up his blood ability.

Anyone who knows it, knows that most people who can self-awaken their blood will awaken it when they rise to 4th rank of strength. If there is no sign of awakening beyond the 4th rank, it is almost impossible to wake the blood ability again.

However, Shen-Gu, who has risen to 5th rank and is deemed impossible to awaken again, has awakened!

As everyone knows, it was Priest Da-Ren who rewarded Shen-Gu for his loyalty and efforts and gave him the power to awaken his ability.

Yan Mo used to wonder why the guide gave him statistics of the previous reduced SCUM VALUE when he found out the causes of the abortion. He thought Yuan Zhan had done something, but he didn\'t know why it was still because of him.

Shen-Gu has become the most enviable and red-eyed blood ability warrior from an ordinary warrior who had no chance to awaken his blood ability. This award is so direct that it drives all ordinary warriors crazy!

What do warriors want? House? Food? Oh, as long as they are strong, they will get it.

But where is the powerful way to awaken?

Primary Warrior Training Method? It seems to be effective, but it is not immediately able to cause the effect, and if the person who can awaken the ability of blood because of this training method or because his own blood is strong, but no one can say for sure.

But Priest Da-Ren has a way of waking up people who can\'t awaken their abilities!

And as long as they are loyal to The Jiu Yuan, loyal to Priest Da-Ren and contribute to the tribe, they may also receive such a reward!

The rest no longer needs propaganda. A warrior’s desire is always the most direct. Warriors\' mood and ideas will directly affect their families and friends.

People who just want to eat and wear warm winter and won\'t go hungry come to The Jiu Yuan, and they have been satisfied for some time, even dare not ask for more.

The warrior, who once had no worries about food and clothing as long as there were animals running outside, also found the real temptation to make them want to be in the Jiu Yuan. It was true that the legendary Priest Da-Ren could wake up warriors’ abilities! How lucky they were to have come to The Jiu Yuan and be sheltered by the Ancestors’ Priest.

With the accumulation of the previous days and the outbreak of Shen-Gu\'s incentive to change into the blood ability warrior, the new people who came to the Jiu Yuan finally had a new thought that emerged from their hearts: "I want to be a Jiu Yuan, I want Chief and The Priest to see my loyalty and efforts, I want to live in this tribe, I want to work and work for this tribe. The idea of fighting for this tribe.”

Forced to accept the tribe rules and laws and wanting to be are two completely different moods, which can produce a completely different force, these new people began to really return to their hearts.

Yan Mo didn\'t think so much when he was thinking about helping Shen-Gu to wake up his blood ability. He just looked at Shen-Gu and felt the need to strengthen Shen-Gu, the leader of the warrior regiment, before offering help to stimulate his blood ability.

Whats a thought of planting willows tree to make the shade?

Yuan Zhan, on the other hand, sees that the slaves traded are different from the savages who really can\'t survive. They are very strong. Before they were attacked by The Moer-Gan, they must not have a bad life. They may have been living better than Jiu Yuan. So you can\'t just feed them and warm them up, but you have to give them a better life in a big way, and at the same time, as Chief, he must frighten them and let them fear and admire Him and Yan Mo.

Yuan Zhan and Yan Mo are both learning, and their experience of governing comes little by little from reality.

Maybe they will do some things wrong, maybe they will not do it in place, but they will rely on these experiences, let them become the cornerstone of their own, gradually their tribe becoming a little stronger.

Yan Mo walked all the way. Everyone who saw him was shocked. Who was the old man? Why does he wear the Priest\'s robes? Wearing Mo Da-Ren\'s bone necklace?

Da-da was not on duty, but ran all the way to follow Yan Mo. Some people expressed surprise at Yan Mo. He grinned his teeth and gave a fierce growl from his throat.

Look at Yan Mo walking slowly. He leaned down and turns into a beast. Let Yan Mo sit on himself.

Yuan Zhan didn\'t even ban it and helped him sit on the back of the Da-da who was in a beast form.

Yan Mo touched Da-da\'s head and neck, good boy, since you are good to me, I will never treat you wrongfully!

Da-He and others were okay. They had seen the Priest grow old before. When they saw him like this, they all wondered if he had exchanged his vitality for something, and the ancestors punished him.

Some people wondered, Da-He and others explained a little. So the eyes of the people who looked at the priest became more and more awed. This is the real priest who can communicate with the Gods.

Yan Mo saw Shen-Gu.

As soon as Shen-Gu saw Yan Mo, he lost his voice and shouted, "Da-Ren?!"

Yan Mo waved at his chair and said, "Don’t worry. I must pay the price for borrowing God\'s strength."

This fellow was worries and said it vaguely, Shen-Gu was honest, he almost got tearful, and his eyes suddenly turned red. "Da-Ren, you\'re like this for me... Da-Ren!"

Shen-Gu knelt heavily on one knee.

Yan Mo touched his face as if it is getting old is not a bad thing.

"Get up, I\'m not entirely like this because of you." Yan Mo is not too shy to bully loyal people. "It\'s mainly the Mer-people side..."

"Da-Ren, you don\'t have to say it, I understand it!" Shen-Gu had his own ideas. He was a person who could not even think of one day he was going to awaken his blood ability because he had passed the 4thrank without awakening his ability, but he has awakened it now. Before that, the Jiu Yuan had many people who were stimulated by the priest. At that time, Da Ren did not grow old, but one of his arm became a white bone and weakened for a period of time.

Even if Da-Ren says it\'s only to help the Mer-people, it\'s certainly half of the reason.

Yan Mo was about to speak when he suddenly saw a number in his head. It was only 6966, but now it has risen to 7066, and it has grown a hundred.

Is that the number of faith points?

Yan Mo recalled that he hadn\'t seen the stingy guide yet. This time, the only reward was the elementary usage of his faith points.

Shen-Gu stood up, his expression had converged and his eyes were a little red. "Let me show you my ability."

Yan Mo thought back, "OK."

Shen-Gu inhaled, his eyes closed slightly, and slowly there was a tremor on the surface of his body.

His expression was pained.

Shen-Gu\'s face skin was stretched and then he torn from the head.

Yan Mo jumped up from his chair, but his body shook because he got up too quickly.

Yuan Zhan grabbed his wrist disapprovingly and stabilized him.

Yan Mo\'s eyes are wide open. This is... Splitting?

The head came out, followed by the upper body. About five minutes later, another complete Shen-Gu stood in front of Yan Mo.

The new Shen-Gu was naked and his eyes were closed.

The former Shen-Gu saluted Yan Mo, and the second Shen-Gu did the same.

"Da-Ren, I think it will take me a little time to change into another person, but at first I spent a lot more time to do it, but now it takes a much shorter time. I think with more practice, and I\'ll be able to change quicker and with a simple thought. This new I is totally under my control. His strength is like mine, he is 5th rank, and my own strength has not diminished.” Shen-Gu laughed from the bottom of his heart. He was quite satisfied with his blood ability.

"The same strength?" Although he inspired the ability to wake up, Yan Mo still had a sense of accomplishment when he saw such a special ability.

Shen-Gu nodded and said excitedly, "It\'s exactly the same. There\'s no difference."

"Cool!" Yan Mo\'s eyes are shining, and he also finds this ability very useful. "You can only separate one? Can you separate out more?

Shen-Gu was shocked. "Can I separate out more?"

Yan Mo nodded affirmatively. "90%! Maybe it\'s related to your blood ability level. Now you\'re just 1st Rank, you can only split into one. When you get to a higher level, you should be able to split more. Your ability is simply too good. Think about it. When you reach to a 9th rank warrior, if you can split nine people, then you would be ten people at 9thrank!"

Shen-Gu smiled, and now he was only thinking about attacking an invincible opponent who maybe almost coming to hit the Jiu Yuan, well, except for his bloodability he is a warrior who could fight long distances and bury the opponent long before he reaches Jiu Yuan.

Yan Mo reminded him, "In addition to practicing faster split times and numbers, you\'d better practice more control in terms of distances. Although you can split up warriors of your class, it\'s not good for you if you were to fight a blood ability warrior like Yuan Zhan and Wu Chen. But if you can hide away the distance, let the split body attract the enemy\'s attention, and then use the original body to kill by surprise, your chances will be great.”

Shen-Gu was delighted and his face was shining. "Thanks Da-Ren for pointing it out to me!" He was worried about how to deal with the blood ability warrior who could fight from far away. Yan Mo\'s words gave him great inspiration.

Yan Mo looked at Shen-Gu, and suddenly thinks that he has not helped the blood ability warrior in the tribe to develop systematic method for one to train their abilities. Now most of the blood ability warriors in the tribe are exploring their own practice in them training their ability. Maybe he can help them build a skillful way to train in the future?

He\'s a doctor and one with a laboratory, and it\'s easy to study, examine and monitor these people\'s energies and performance. Yes, that\'s the way to do it, which can further enhance the prestige and usefulness of the priest.

Shen-Gu left happily and Yu-Wu came.

The perverted fish laughed at Yan Mo as soon as he arrived. "Now, if you would lie down on your own initiative, I don\'t want you anymore. Listening from your warrior, were you punished by your ancestral God?"

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