Banished to Another World

Chapter 379: Severe Law and Brainwashing

Chapter 379: Severe Law and Brainwashing

At noon, a thin warrior asked for Yuan Zhan, and went to his ear and he whispered something to him.

After Yuan Zhan listened, he smiled coldly, patted warrior on the back and whispered a word to him.

The thin warrior left, and Yan Mo, who was consulting The Curse-Witch Zhou Wu for the spiritual imprinting method of slave imprinting, did not notice this. There were many warriors who reported various things to Yuan Zhan in one day, and very few warriors from head to head came here today.

In the afternoon, the spouse selection meeting continued, but Yan Mo had no mood to watch. He took the slate and went with Yuan Zhan to discuss the tribe\'s laws and regulations. There were more people and more races, and many related regulations had to be changed and reduced.

Yuan Zhan reminded him that some rules can be implemented in a different way without changing their nature.

When he and Yuan Zhan have a discussion about it, they decided they will ask the leaders of the tribe to discuss it together and then make new laws and regulations.

Huang-He eventually rejected all warriors who wanted to choose her. Afterwards, she pleaded with the steward to tell Yuan Zhan that she had important news to tell each other.

The steward was very responsible in trying to pass on the words. Huang He had all kinds of expectations in her heart, but there was no response from the above.

Huang-He is very anxious. She has just got the news that the women who refuse to marry will have to do the coolies work like other male slaves. They will be moved out of the city and live in the wasteland outside the city. They will have to do the most bitter and exhausting work since then. They can only live in the black, short and unventilated mud house, or many people live together.

Huang-He made her slaves and the twelve girls try to seduce the stewards, who she thought he had not passed on her request to Yuan Zhan.

On the second day, the steward changed into a strong woman, and her attitude towards them changed a lot.

Huang-He did not know her every move and what she had said was secretly monitored and transmitted to Yuan Zhan ears. She complained that her identity did not attract his attention, but it was not because she and the twelve women.Because of her special identity with the twelve girls, how could Yuan Zhan not attach importance to them? It\'s just a different direction from what Huang-He wanted to focus on.

Yuan Zhan knew what Huang-He was going to do and decided to do nothing. This girl is also useful, as long as the other party does not do something to undermine the interests of the Jiu Yuan, he does not want to kill her for the time being.

Inner city hall.

"The imprint of such coolies is the mark of slaves often mentioned by the cities, similar to the pledge of war, a brand of soul power. However, there is no need for the stamped person to swear by himself, but by the powerful sorcerer or warrior to stamp into the soul of the other party forcibly at the expense of the soul of the other party itself, so once the stamped person violates the soul oath, the pain is his own, and the support of this energy to bind them is his own, completely without the manipulation of a third party."

Yan Mo explained to Yuan Zhan what the imprint of coolie is, and in order to facilitate The Curse-Witch Zhou Wu, he unified the spirit of this statement into soul power.

The Curse-Witch Zhou Wu stretched out and added, "this kind of soul power brand is easy to use, but it has a very big shortcoming, because it is not like that they willingly swear by their soul, once the branded person\'s soul is stronger than the branding person, then he can be free of the mark. The same as a stronger soul can destroy the imprint for him, and he can also be free."

Yan Mo, "For this reason, the Jiu Yuan\'s imprinter soul has to be so powerful that it can only be branded by me, the Curse-Witch Zhou Wu, and you. This kind of soul power is not difficult to print. You don\'t need to understand the principles. If you imitate it, you should master it after several tries."

Yuan Zhan\'s previous experience in Yincheng-Sound City reminded him of this. Now he hears that the Curse-Witch Zhou Wu will be able to teach, and he can\'t help but feel relieved that he will not be able to manage those prisoners of war if there is a war in the future. But he also had an important question: "Once slaves are free, will those responsible for branding, is their souls going to be harmed?”

The Curse-Witch Zhou Wu shook his head and nodded again. "It depends on how deep the connection is. If the connection is not deep or the method of relieving it is gentle, the person who imprinted will not be hurt, but will feel a loss of connection."

Yuan Zhan, "Does the connection you\'re talking about refer to the imprint of a private slave?”

Yan Mo answered, "Yes, what Zhi Mu had imprinted on you was the imprint of a private slave. If we had forcibly broken that imprint of soul, he would have been injured and know about it, so I kept it contained until it did not affect you. And I could do that because my soul is not weaker than Zhi Mu, or maybe it is even stronger than him. The imprint of the slaves on the cat people are the most common one. It usually does not establish contact with a person. Even if the mark of the soul force is broken, there will be no harm to the brand.”

Yuan Zhan responded quickly. "So, private slave imprints are stronger, and ordinary slave imprints are easily broken?”

The Curse-Witch Zhou Wu added: "You can say that. Because the imprint of a private slave usually needs to leave a trace of the stamper\'s soul in the slave\'s soul, while the imprint of an ordinary slave does not. Warriors generally control slaves who are below 5th rank, even those with blood ability, can have ordinary soul branding as long as their soul power is below 3rd rank. But if it is a warrior above the 6th rank or a person who spiritual power is above 4th rank, it is better to leave a trace of spiritual power in the soul imprint of the other party. In short, the stamper\'s soul must exceed at least two or more levels of the stamped person, in order to control the other party for a long time.”

Yuan Zhan didn\'t want Yan Mo to suffer any harm. He wanted The Curse-Witch Zhou Wu and him to be responsible for branding the spiritual power of the blood warriors above 6th rank, but Yan Mo didn\'t agree.

The Curse-Witch Zhou Wu sneered at Yuan Zhan\'s apparent partiality, but the other side has a thick face with his disciple, and he is too lazy to teach them.

Yuan Zhan was thick-skinned and could not understand the sarcastic laughter of the Curse-Witch Zhou Wu.

Yan Mo... In his mind, he repeatedly groped for the principle of slave imprinting. In his understanding, it was like some kind of hypnosis by means of props, and the important prop was the strange pattern.

The more Yan Mo looked at the pattern, the more familiar he felt he was with it, as if he had studied the Jiu Yuan people and the Mer-people\'s bodies and had seen some kind of energy cycle diagram. Looking at it carefully, it seems to be similar to the energy circuit drawn at the time of bone refining.

Circuit diagrams, energy...

If we look at this energy as electricity and circuit diagrams as circuit diagrams, can the application of this energy be extended to other aspects?

Yan Mo didn\'t think deeply. Now is not the time for him to do research.

With the method of controlling prisoners and slaves discussion completed, they began to discuss the specific disposition and arrangement of these prisoners and slaves. This time, Yuan Zhan asked the leaders and the main stewards to participate in the discussion.

The handling of prisoners of war and slaves is easy to say, but the time and the content of working hard are different.

Finally, some disagreements arose as to how to punish the traitors and criminals of the tribe. Some people want to kill them, some people want to amputate their limbs in public, and then drive them out of the Jiu Yuan, and some...

In short, one opinion is crueler than another.

Yuan Zhan looked at Yan Mo before he makes a decision.

Yan Mo casually said, "Except for a few who done evils deeds, some people\'s crimes should not lead to them being killed. Instead of cutting off their arms and breaking their legs and driving them out of the Jiu Yuan, they should stay and work to pay their debts for betraying Jiu Yuan. We, the Jiu Yuan, are short of labor. Well, this is called labor reformation, and all criminals who commit crime all will work until then are disposed of. If they do not work well, they will be able to extend a lifetime of hard work. If they change well, they will probably come back to be the Jiu Yuan people.”

Think about it, he added another sentence: "But before the reform through labor, the whip should be beaten on the board, and the sentence should be punished in public, and the judgment for them should be announced in public."

Yan Mo would say that the idea is simple, but he\'s not happy that its easy for them, and he doesn\'t want others to be happy with his simple idea. The Guide will punish him all the time. He will not die if he wants to die. Can he throw out the Jiu Yuan and pull down his face?

Now that there is a slave mark, why not squeeze the surplus labor completely?

Yuan Zhan was worried when he heard the first sentence. Yan Mo would soften up those criminals, and when he heard about later paragraphs he felt that it was good so he was the first to give her approval. "According to what Priest Da-Ren said, what else do others think?”

Others also felt that the Priest\'s method was good, it’s able to dispel hatred and to deter, and finally not to waste those labors.

It was so decided that the Jiu Yuan also started the labor reformation of all criminals who slept in jail and worked in the daytime, because the good result this tradition had been extended for thousands of years because of changing the name of the soul force mark of coolie imprint.

Later, in addition to several evil traitors who were killed on battlefield to sacrifice their souls, other criminals who rioted during the Jiu Yuan crisis were taken to the Outer City Square in front of more than 70% of Tribesmen.

The air was unusually dull and the sky was an oppressive shade of grey-black.

The people in the square changed from their smiles at the spouse selection meeting a few days ago. Now so many people were quiet and almost silent. Many people looked at the people who had been detained under the scaffold with hatred, contempt or complicated eyes.

"Kill them!" I don\'t know who shouted the first sentence. Soon, a thunderous roar broke out in the square: "Kill them! Kill these betrayers!"

Many prisoners knelt on the scaffold trembled with fear, and they knew that they had no way to plead to live out this day. They were ready to die in the morning, but the more prepared people were, at the critical moment, listening to the shout of so many people, and they were still afraid.

Some people wanted to die in a prison, but their guards are very strict. They will be saved immediately if they try to commit suicide.

The smell on these prisoners was not good, but now there is a strong smell of urine, many people were scared shitless. The members of the picket team who were holding them frowned, but none of them moved wildly.

Chief Yuan Zhan, The Priest Yan Mo, and ten elected leaders formed members of the Verdict Panel and sat together on the Jurors table.

Any other leader and steward can only stay under the stage, including The Curse-Witch Zhou Wu, whose status is revered.

Wu Chen is responsible for recording the history and the events.

Jiu Feng stood on the highest pillar and looked coldly at the people below.

The picket teams under the jurisdiction of Bing are responsible for escorting criminals, punishing and managing them.

Bing waved and the first criminal was put on the scaffold.

Then Bing went to the scaffold and pulled up the prisoner by his hair and reveal his face. His voice clearly stated, "Lie Gou, male, a 3rd rank warrior, sold out the secret traps laid by my tribe on the grassland to the enemy. Because the Moer-Gan and the Huang Jing Tribe who attacked us promised him that after the attack and occupation of the Jiu Yuan, he would be allowed to choose fifty female slaves at will from the slaves of the Jiu Yuan and they will make him the leader of a 3rd rank warrior group. When the enemy attacked the tribe, he deliberately set fire to disturb the interior. Lie Gou, is that right? Do you have any excuses?"

Lie Gou\'s head was lowered, and the life of the three month\'s prison life had made him lose all his strength and his legs were rotten weak.

"Speak!" Bing whipped Lie Gou.

Lie Gou trembled and said vaguely, "Kill me."

Yuan Zhan on the verdict chuckle, "What! Lie Gou violated tribal rules, insulted tribal women, and was punished by the priest and me. After that, he not only did not know how to repent, but also cherished his hatred for the tribe. Now he betrayed the tribe and almost killed and injured my tribal people. It is not enough for him to die a hundred times! Now, in the name of Chief, I am sentencing this man to skin fraying and death by sun exposure. Does anyone disagree?”

Lie Gou barked, looked up in horror and shouted, "No! Kill me! Kill me now! Priest Da-Ren, Priest Da-Ren, please, kill me now!"

He has seen people who are exposed to the sun after having their entire skin removed. They will not die immediately. They will stay in pain for a whole day. The painful wails will be terrible to listen to. Some of them are strong enough and can endure for two or three days before they die.

Everyone looked at their most soft-hearted Priest Da-Ren.

Yan Mo slowly raised a hand in the public eye. "Agree."

Zheng, one of the members of the verdict panel, immediately raised his right hand. "Agree."

Cao Ting also raised his right hand. "Agree."

She-Gu, Zhang, Mu Zheng Ming and others also raised their hands to express their agreement.

None of the twelve members of the verdict panel voted against it.

With a loud cry, Lie Gou rushed downstairs. He didn\'t want to run away. He wanted to die.

But the members of the picket team who suppressed him were all tall and strong men with strong hands, so that he could only kneel and lie on the ground.

Yuan Zhan raised his hand and went on, "Execution!"

Bing did not hesitate to get Lie Gou picked up. He was going to do it himself.

Half an hour later, Lie Gou became a blood-red mass of meat, accompanied by the inhuman screaming.

There were many children in the square, but the adults did not cover their eyes, although cruel, but it is also a process of growth for them. Now the Jiu Yuan people did not expect to care about their child psychology, they just think that if they want to become brave warriors, the children have to see more blood from childhood.

Bing wiped the blood splashed on his face, and his voice did not have a trace of human flavor: "Take the next one."

The skinned Lie Gou was lifted down from the scaffold and tied to a post specially planted in the square.

Lie Gou did not die immediately. He was screaming all the time.

The second man, who was put on the scaffold, was totally frightened and waving madly, with tears and runny nose all over his face, and was dragged onto the scaffold by members of the picket team.

Bing reported the name and crime of the second person, "Fei Quan," In addition to the crime of betrayal, when the Jiu Yuan was attacked, he caught two young children secretly and wanted to cook them alive. He was found and arrested by members of the picket team."

Yuan Zhan hates him the most and went on to give a verdict: "since he likes to cook people and children, he will be cooked himself and feed him his own cooked meat, cook his legs first, cook his arms again, and make sure that he can taste his meat, when he can\'t eat it, and then we will cook his head."

Yan Mo felt that Yuan Zhan’s disposal was becoming more and more serious. He wanted to veto it, but he knew that today, in addition to restoring the hatred of all these traitors, it is more important to kill the chickens to scare the monkeys.

Yan Mo raised his right hand again, worried that he would not be punished by The Guide.

The sentence was still passed by twelve people.

There was a fire and a big stone pot in the square this time.

Then, because Mu Dagen of the Awu tribe cooperated with the enemy to set fire in the city, and when wanted to rape his daughter’s Mu Xiao little girl, strong, Mu Xiao-Xiao, he unexpectedly threatened to kill the Mu Xiao, finally, although Mu Xiao and Mu Xiao-Xiao were saved, but Mu Lin has been beaten in many places, Mu Xiao was abused.

Yuan Zhan said the verdict was castration now and sentenced to hard work for life.

When Hei Xiang, the only woman, was brought on stage, she was so frightened that she fainted.

In addition to the four evil deeds, all the spies of the Duo Fei tribe were beheaded as long as they were alive. More than 30 other participants, except the murderers, were all sentenced to being one of the coolies, ranging from five years to fifty years.

All the murderers were killed on the spot, and no one opposed for them.

Yuan Zhan, who made the coolies, punished them according to their offense.

Theft, all whipping twenty whips, one finger, take the coolie mark for more than five years.

Robbery, all whipped thirty whips, severed two fingers, and served for ten years.

Injuring, whipping thirty whips, severing three fingers, and taking coolies mark for more than ten years.

Rape, whip thirty whips, castration, and take coolies mark for more than ten years.

Arson, whip thirty whips, walk barefoot twenty steps on hot charcoal, and serve as a coolie for fifteen years.

Yan Mo, taking into account the life problems of these people, suggested that the punishment of severed fingers should be removed, and that these people would be treated hard work in the future.

But Yuan Zhan felt that this punishment was not enough. Instead, he changed his finger breaking to barefoot walking on hot charcoal. According to his crime, the people walked the same distance. If the person was a fire control person or a person who was not afraid of fire, he would take walk on the needle board, and so on.

Others agree with this. The Curse-Witch Zhou Wu also said that such punishment was light, and Yan Mo had no choice but to say nothing.

As a result, the content of today\'s judgment became the criterion for future verdicts and sentences. After that, the Jiu Yuan has implemented quite cruel criminal law against the perpetrators for a long time. But the benefits are obvious. The Jiu Yuan people do not dare to commit crimes, except for a moment of impulse, especially rapists. When they are caught and castrated, and there is no chance for them to come back from that.

And Yan Mo\'s most worrying guide punishment did not appear, perhaps because the punishment was for criminals, or because the punishment mentioned by Yuan Zhan was within the reasonable scope of the world?

The problem of the criminals was solved, followed by the placement of large numbers of prisoners of war and slaves compensated by the two tribes.

Prisoners of war and slaves are separated, men and women are separated.

The years of hard labor of prisoners of war are all over fifteen years, while slaves are only ten years.

"They cannot be treated equally. They must be treated separately. Criminals and prisoners of war must live in the worst conditions, followed by slaves. Then subdivide these people into better places to live, food, clothes and tools, if they do well and have merit they can also receive pay, or even shorten the coolie years.

"These do not need to be concealed, all of them need to be show clearly in the difference. People will try to hold together in the same difficult environment. But if there is a difference, people\'s jealousy and desire for a better life will make them confused inside themselves. As long as they don\'t get together and always try to aim for better conditions, it\'s not terrible, you know?”

Yuan Zhan laughed. "Understand, it\'s to divide and conquer them, right?”

"More than that, we can make them see the hope, make them have a sense of belonging to the Jiu Yuan, and for a long time, if the prisoners of war do not speak for a while, the slaves will go to be the Jiu Yuan people in ten to nine. After all, what we need is help, not more enemies."

Yuan Zhan cited one example and told Bing and Da-da, "Did you hear that? At the beginning, don\'t be too good for those slaves and prisoners of war. The best is to treat them worse, the better they will be. If they behave well, bring them up and give them some benefits. Let those coolies know that if they can only live better if they work hard and the Jiu Yuan."

Bing didn\'t say anything. He was only in charge of public order. He wasn’t the one who really managed those coolies.

Da-da nodded and showed a strange smile. It seemed that there had been a way to make something out of those coolies.

Yan Mo was dumbfounded. This time he really has a headache about the management of the coolies. He and Yuan Zhan have considered a lot of people. In the end, he did not think that Da-da would have come to introduce himself, saying that he wanted to use these people to practice his management hands.

Yuan Zhan, Yan Mo and Da-da had a deep discussion about what the fourth person did not get to know about, but afterwards Yuan Zhan agreed to let Da-da manage nearly four thousand coolies.

Yan Mo did not object. He was thinking about how to improve Da-da\'s soul, and at the same time, he was teaching him some experience that his previous life seemed to have.

"In addition to differentiating them, the Jiu Yuan\'s laws and regulations need to be implemented equally among them, and if there are any problems, they should be reported to the relevant administrators for treatment. Most importantly, do not treat them as slaves, do not whip or abuse them, or do any humiliation or bullying. If someone does not do well or is lazy, they should be dealt with according to the tribal rules. The way of dealing with them is the same as the regiments. This needs to be explained from the beginning with them.”

Da-da may seem reckless, but he\'s very careful and calculating. He wrote down everything Yuan Zhan and Yan Mo said. He has a bold idea. Others can have regiments. Why can\'t he have it?

Many of these prisoners of war and slaves are young men of good combat effectiveness. If they are properly trained, they will be the best war slaves, and if they want to break away from their coolie status, what merit can they make faster and more obvious than that of being a warrior?

Of course, Chief and Priest Da-Ren want to let those coolies do things, he will let them do it, but he is sure that many of them are definitely not willing to work hard all the time, then he only needs to stimulate them a little, and let them join the regiment as a reward, maybe these people will jump out and say that they want to be war slaves.

Yan Mo is less optimistic than Da-da and Yuan Zhan. He knows how powerful the rebellion of the slave people will be, and even if it has the stamp of the soul, it will not necessarily be insured that they will be obedient. For this reason, after thinking about it again and again, he found three disciples and Cao Ting and others to speak to them, so that they could take turns to brainwash their coolies.

So there was a stream of words between coolies.

"Priest Da-Ren said that we drink from the same river as they and we are our own people. Although he was not happy that The Moer-Gan, The Huang Jing and The Duo Fei tribe jointly attacked him, he did not want to send us out to other tribes to be slaves and bullied again. And the ancestral gods do not like their loyal people to become slaves, so that’s why the Jiu Yuan has no slaves. You see, we are given to the Jiu Yuan and we much better than if we are given to the other tribes. At least we are just working here as a long-term worker, not really sold as a slave for life. "

"I heard that the Jiu Yuan is only allowed to have one spouse for both men and women. The slaves who were chosen before are now the Jiu Yuan people. They eat, drink and wear the same clothes as the Jiu Yuan people. Their men are also very kind to them and make them eat full every day."

"What about the Duo-Na Clan? That\'s a combination of warriors and bears!"

"The Duo-Na Tribesmen\'s family can fit into one person, if anything. Besides, you cannot marry The Duo-Na people."

"The Moer-Gan and The Huang Jing have abandoned us, and we are not important to them at all, but the Jiu Yuan people say that they are few and that as long as there are no bad intentions, they especially welcome people to join their tribe, such as the Black Water and the Duo-Na Clan. We are even coolies, but as long as we work hard and perform well, maybe in a few years, we will be able to become real Jiu Yuan people.”

"I feel that life is better here than in The Moer-Gan and The Huang Jing. Coolie can also find women as wives, and the children do not have to work hard. They can go to school in the city and learn valuable knowledge that the priest’s disciple can learn!"

"Yes, children under twelve do not have to work hard. How well do they live every day? What kind of lessons can they go there every day?”

People\'s hearts are changing a little bit in these words and eyes. In fact, at the very beginning, little change can be seen. But as time goes on, these words will become thoughts and deeply engraved on their hearts.

This is a latent brainwashing process of reformation.

In a twinkling of an eye, another month passed, and the weather became extremely hot.

That day, Yan Mo pushed aside someone\'s thighs, got up lazily, dressed and washed.

Ding Fei heard the noise and hurried to get the water ready at the door.

Yan Mo, wearing the cool moisturizing snake shedding clothes the Snake People gave him, opened the wooden door behind him.

"Huh!" Ding Fei dropped his wooden basin on the ground, his eyes filled with incredible surprises. "Da... Da-Ren... You, you and you..."

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