Banished to Another World

Chapter 382: Chief Zhan The man

Chapter 382: Chief Zhan The man

Five years can change a lot.

The change of Yuan Zhan in the latent silent transformation, the people who are close to and familiar with him or met him every day, will only feel that he is more and more looking like Chief tolerant. He is becoming more and more competent in managing a big tribe, and he has become so unreadable that they are unable to see what he is thinking of, and how much he has to fight for. Some chiefs who play jokes on their backs are now afraid to stretch out their hands at will, or even if they want play jokes on him they will think twice.

This has happened to familiar people, let’s not mention those who met him for the first time, or those who didn’t meet him for a long time, such as Yincheng-Sound City\'s Great Princess, when she looked at Yuan Zhan five years apart, she was immediately struck.

Before, the Yuan Zhan in the Yincheng-Sound City’s King hall was imposing, but the upper class people who are The Nine Great Cities will be a little alert and then ignore him, but they will not regard him as an absolute object of their own.

Five years later, with news from travelers and Tucheng-Earth City, Lamo-Na recalled her speculation that Yuan Zhan had been looking for a sky transporter. She was sure he wasn\'t. Perhaps the tribe named the Jiu Yuan had changed the most in recent years. She wasn\'t sure whether Yuan Zhan was an air transporter, but she decided to come again. Seeing is believing. The Jiu Yuan has a lot of things that she and Yincheng-Sound City want, and she heard that Lamo-Ling is probably also in the Jiu Yuan.

She came, and when she saw Yuan Zhan on the first side, she heard a crazy cry in her heart: This is the man! That\'s the man she\'s looking for!

On the first hand, Yuan Zhan did not talk much to her, only let her have a good rest, and then ordered his staff to say that the next night a welcome banquet would be held.

Lamo-Na was prepared to brace up and see how Yuan Zhan responded, hearing how considerate the other person was --- the distance from Yincheng-Sound City to the Jiu Yuan was not close. She was really exhausted after their long journey. It was no harm for her to have more time to rest, and she could learn more about the Jiu Yuan. Unfortunately, Lamo-Ling refused to see her.

This is the second side.

Lamo-Na rested for a day and two nights, and now that she\'s fully recovered, she\'s confident of facing anyone at this time.

No one can ignore Yuan Zhan\'s figure as soon as he appeared. Three years ago, he was over two meters long. The whole person grew into a big muscle monster. He was not bulky, but he looked fierce. But in the past three years, as his blood ability increased again, his height and figure began to shrink. A year ago, he was basically as he was before.

Today, he is about 1.95 meter tall. His body is covered with a layer of muscles. It does not seem to exaggerate. But only Yan Mo knows how strong and powerful those muscles are.

The man still did not like to wear many clothes, and his skin was made of real bronze by the sunlight. A pair of big feet trampled directly on the ground barefoot. The lower part of the body was simply surrounded by a heavy cloth, and the waist was tied with a cumbersome belt, with a bone ring on his feet. A strong necklace was hung on his chest, only one could with the necklace texture. There were two kinds of sculpted black bone bracelets on his wrist.

His hair is still very short. I wonder if it\'s because he and Priest Da-Ren don\'t like long hair. Most of the Jiu Yuan people have short hair, especially men.

His face... Well, the tribal tattoos still exist. A pair of narrow eyes concealed the viciousness and cruelty of the man, but with the exception of a few people, no one dares to look at him.

Lamo-Na felt her body trembling slightly, as if she had some resonance with the tall, cold Chief coming across.

This person\'s momentum has been the same as that of the Nine Great Cities, no, more than that, which cannot be described in words, she has not seen in many city lords.

When she saw this man, the Yincheng-Sound City’s Princess could not help but to kowtow to him, not to mention others.

This is the momentum that a truly beloved transporter of the sky should have, and perhaps this is the king she has sought for many years to unify the whole continent!

Unfortunately, the Fruit of Witchcraft has not known its whereabouts so far. It seems that the people who got it before did not find the real Fruit of Witchcraft. If only she could get the Fruit of Witchcraft, plus the sky transporter, she would surely realize her dream of becoming the queen of the mainland and make the mainland a paradise for all!

Lamo-Na held her hands tightly and watched Yuan Zhan approaching. She was always calm and her eyes shone with fanaticism.

Yuan Zhan also saw Lamo-Na\'s party because the pedestrian was visible and just blocked his way.

Yuan Zhan, with two guards, nodded to Princess Lamo-Na, who was polite to him, and passed her without stopping.

Lamo-Na was stunned. She thought that Yuan Zhan had heard that she will be going go out for a walk and came to accompany her, which was the most normal thing in her mind.

Seeing Yuan Zhan walk by them like this without even saying a word to her, Lamo-Na is not so good, but the others she brought their faces changed color immediately.

"What is a Chief in this wilderness?”

"Yes, he dared to be so disrespectful to our Highness, not just a princess..."

"Shut up!" Lamo-Na turned and his beautiful face was a little more dignified.

Yincheng-Sound City crowd shut up at once. They all lowered their heads and did not dare to say anything more.

"Here is the Jiu Yuan, not Yincheng-Sound City, what words should be said, what words should not be said, do I still have to teach you to distinguish them? Or did you forget what I told you when I came? Next time I hear someone who has any derogatory language about other tribes, that person won\'t have to stay with me.

"Yes." Most of the people who could be taken to the Jiu Yuan by Lamo-Na were her confidant. They were also warned by her royal highness. No one dared to speak in anger when she saw her being belittled.

Lamo-Na is not angry. Of course, she is comfortable. But she thinks she is not a narrow-minded person. She is not a woman who is after admiration from men. At least it has not yet come into being. So she is not only dissatisfied with Yuan Zhan\'s neglect of her, but has not yet reached the point of anger.

Not angry, not angry, but the meaning is difficult to calm down, Lamo-Na drinks to stop the chatter of the underlying people, subconsciously turned to look in the direction of Yuan Zhan.

Seeing that Chief Da-Ren did not go far, he quickly stopped beside a teenager wearing a strange hat.

The teenager looked up and smiled at Yuan Zhan.

From Lamo-Na\'s point of view, she can see the appearance of the teenager. He is not so good-looking. He looks like an honest child. Its skin is more delicate than that of the ordinary people. It\'s not as rough as those savage teenagers she saw.

The height of the teenager is quite different from Yuan Zhan. Standing beside the tall Yuan Zhan, he looks more and more like a child.

Yuan Zhan reached out and touched the teenager\'s face. His lips seemed to have a little smile.

Lamo-Na couldn\'t see Yuan Zhan\'s face because of her position, but only this simple action made her heart sink.

The casual and intimate feeling proves that they are no strangers.

It\'s obvious that this action of touching the face is not too extraordinary, but Lamo-Na thinks that the relationship between the two is not simple.

She does not admire Yuan Zhan, but if she wants to stand beside him and borrow his charm to the maximum extent, she must be his closest person. As far as she knows, the young Chief has neither married nor been served with a slave.

So what\'s the relationship between this teenager and Yuan Zhan?

Yan Mo saw Yuan Zhan\'s belt and couldn\'t help laughing. This is why he got angry with this man last night for making a fool of himself. The purpose of him making that belt for him is to make him unable to unbelt it. That\'s why he worked so tedious. He didn\'t expect that this man\'s thick-skinned to stay with it so far. But it looks good on him.

The guard behind Yuan Zhan wanted to salute Yan Mo and was stopped by Yan Mo\'s look.

"Didn\'t you say in the morning that your ass hurts, your back hurts and your body hurts. Why did you run out in less than half a day?” Yuan Zhan raised his hand and tried to pinch his opponent\'s face to be happy.

The Priest, a vicious cheater, lied to him, saying that he will be forever as an old man. Yuan Zhan was prepared to spend his whole life with an old man. As a result, the other party turns into a teenager in less than a year.

Think about when Ying Shi of the Black Water Tribe and others know that this teenager is the shock and awing Yan Mo. The Curse-Witch, the old man is going to be happy and mad, and the joy of him, and the truth of his face. Whenever he saw this face, even if he has seen it for five years, he will still feel itchy.

Although this xsshole said that it was because he sacrificed and consoled the spirits of those who died in war, the ancestral God gave him the reward of him restoring youth, but he always felt that he had been tricked by his Priest Da-Ren.

For this reason, whenever he thinks of this matter, whenever he thinks of his complex entanglement of not knowing whether to be happy or angry at the beginning, he can\'t help tormenting his Priest Da-Ren in bed severely, even if he is stabbed by the needle and the Carnivorous bees.

Yan Mo\'s face was pinched and he pushed his hand with a slap. "What are you doing here?”Did nothing happen which needed for you in the tribe? Didn\'t you say that we had to build a road from the original dwarf forest to the basin between the Red Ape Forests and consult with other stewards?”

Sometimes Yan Mo feels like Yuan Zhan is equipped with a special radar to detect him. Often he stays alone somewhere for a while, and as long as the animal is free, he can sniff and find him.

"It\'s not urgent. The dwarfs promised to show us the place to put the road. We just had to open the way to the basin before winter, but they asked us to buy at least 30% more paper and ink each year. Where are you going?”

"I\'m the principal of the Zhan Mo College. Now I\'m at the school gate. Where do you think I\'m going?”

Yuan Zhan, who also occupies the position of the principal of the military academy, he smiled at the hand of Yan Mo. "Today is a school day off. You don\'t have a big lesson to teach. What are you going to do in school? What do you think of dwarf requirements?”

Yan Mo sarcastically said, "Don\'t take advantage of the price and sell it well. They just haven\'t got the business heads, and nobody else knows that they have made such a great product, and even if they know that it\'s precious, and they don\'t fully understand the value of paper and ink to the world. You see, if paper flows into other city forces, it will not be long before there will be a large number of emissaries and tourists surrounding the dwarf tribes. At that time, let\'s not say if they will let us buy more of their paper they may even reduce the original quota.

"They don\'t know now. As you said, we also take a lot of risks in trading a new product, let alone add 30% reduced price now. I\'ve heard that the dwarfs seem to know where the giant trees of the suspected the wood-fruit tree are, and it’s probably in the dwarf forest. It seems that we have grown a little flesh by squeezing the claws."

Yan Mo\'s eyes brightened. "Wood-fruit tree? Who did you hear this from? Is the source reliable?”

Yuan Zhan nodded. "It\'s supposed to be reliable. Someone went by the doorway of the Dwarfs’ rooms and listens to what they occasionally talk about."

What a coincidence! Yan Mo guessed that Yuan Zhan would probably have sent someone to spy on all the "foreign students" in the school, otherwise it would not have been so coincidental he just happen to find out.

"You\'re running down the road to control freak, the common disease of the power hungry?” Yan Mo muttered in a low voice.

"But I can\'t control you." Yuan Zhan looked down at the teenager and Yan Mo saw a trace of madness in his eyes. He wanted to take possession of the man completely and wholly, but it was impossible. He was not even sure whether the man would stay with him all the time.

Yan Mo feels dangerous and raises his head with alarm.

The man\'s empty left hand covered his face again and caressed him carefully. His huge rough palm pushed and grabbed him. There was an insanity in the narrow eyes that became deeper, but he was clearly in front of him.

Yan Mo has a headache. Whether it\'s the magic of what happened to him or the lie he told, this man\'s possession and attachments to him are getting heavier and heavier day by day, but he is increasingly distrustful of him.

He would have thought twice before he opened his mouth, knowing that the casual lie he told six years ago would have such serious consequences.

Yuan Zhan looked at him with licking greed. "I\'ve changed. Your disciples have grown up. The white hair on the Curse-Witch Zhou Wu\'s head has also increased. You haven\'t changed anything. Will you still be like this when I\'m old?”

Yan Mo sighed in his heart. It\'s troublesome to fall in love. It\'s more troublesome to coax little lover. His son was not so troublesome when he was a little older!

"Dream on! I am not a god, of course I will be growing old, I just grow slowly, wait a few years, you see, I will not be much shorter than you! You\'re old, I\'ll be older, too.”

"Hum, huh?”

"Stop humming. Her Highness has been watching us for half a day. Oh, she\'s coming."

Lamo-Na approached the two people at will and offered greetings: "Good day, Chief. I heard that today is the regular rest day of the Jiu Yuan School? Where I live, I have heard many people say that today they take a rest. They are very happy. It seems that such a rest day can take place every five days. My subordinates are envious of it. It\'s a real one... Great change, I wonder if you can tell me in detail about the rest day arrangements, maybe we Yincheng-Sound City can also try to implement it.”

Lamo-Na speaks fluently of a few unfamiliar words and has apparently inquired into their meanings.

Yuan Zhan and Yan Mo looked at the princess together.

Lamo-Na\'s eyes swept across Yan Mo\'s face and did not stop by much. It seemed natural to exclude the teenagers from her and Yuan Zhan. This is her capital, in her status, not enough people to let her pay attention to the qualifications.

"Lamo-Na, your highness, I do not know what the effect of the same rest day arrangement will be for Yincheng-Sound City, because these are the blessings that my tribe Ancestors’ priest has bestowed on everyone, so that my tribe will be so prosperous, strong, peaceful and rich that Even if you don\'t have to work every day, we can have enough food.” Yuan Zhan smiled faintly, rough but not brutal.

"Please call me Lamo-Na." Lamo-Na was smiling and knows how attractive her appearance is to men. At first, the Huocheng-Fire City Prince looked at her, but she had no intention of marrying anyone like him, especially someone who did not seem to have achieved much, so she ingeniously tried to make the Huocheng-Fire City Prince and her sister into a couple.

Of course, the Huocheng-Fire City Prince himself is not in bad condition or bad character, otherwise she would not let her little sister marry him.

"Your Highness Lamo-Na, this street is still busy. If you are interested, someone will show you the way and introduce you later. I have something else to do. If you have something in mind, we might as well talk about it at tonight\'s welcome dinner." Yuan Zhan was impatient and entangled with Lamo-Na, he pulled Yan Mo\'s hand and leaving.

Lamo-Na didn\'t want to be seen as upset to Yuan Zhan. She smiled and promised. At the same time, she noticed Yan Mo and turned to him. She lightly opened his lips and asked, "This is it?”

Yuan Zhan looked down at Yan Mo and said proudly, "My soul of war companion."

Lamo-Na froze and didn\'t seem to understand.

Yuan Zhan simply explained, "He\'s my partner, my man!"

Lamo-Na, "..."

Yan Mo: How do you want me to meet this princess as the Priest in the future?

Yuan Zhan: That\'s to let everyone who covets you know you\'re mine!

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